Message SAP WTADDI223 - No changes affecting purchase order &/& for additionals exist

You wish to change a follow-on purchase order foran additional. The status ofthe follow-on purchase order is not "3", which is the status it musthave before changes can be made to additionals purchase order &V1&/&V2&
The change status is set if the following changes are made to thereference document:
Reference document ,, Field
Purchasing document,, Purchase order quantity
,, Delivery date
Goods movement ,, Relevant changes cannot be made
Delivery ,, Delivery quantity
,, Planned goods issue date

System Response
The system cannot make any changes to item &V2& of purchase order &V1&.

If you wish, you can implement the user exit forchanging delivery and usage dates foradditionals, which enables you to change the data in the additionalsdocument as you see fit.