Message SAP WT251 - Indicates that the planned receipts/issues are to be included

You can have the system take planned receipts and issues into accountup to the point of goods receipt when determining thereplenishment requirement. The system makes an internal availabilitycheck using ATP logic(available to promise).

All documents pertaining to purchase orders are considered as plannedreceipts. These are purchase requisitions, purchase orders, shippingnotifications, rough goods receipts and replenishment deliveries forstock transport orders (delivery type NL).
Deliveries with no reference to a system document (delivery type LO and deliveries for a stock transport order (delivery type UL
), are only considered as issues but not as receipts.
The availability check can reduce performance of Replenishmentconsiderably.

You must have entered a check group for the availability check in thelogistics master data for the material concerned.
You can maintain check groups in Customizing for Sales using theavailability check with ATP logic step.
The check rule is set internally for Replenishment to RP.