Message SAP WRMA3006 - No article assignments found for RMA object &

The system could not detect any article assignments for RMA object &V1&.For this reason, the system terminates the processing and ends theprogram. Depending on whether you want to use the recasting for RMA, thesystem determines the information from different sources.
If you use the recasting, the system attempts to determine the articleassignments for an object from the master data of the InfoObjectMaterial (0MATERIAL) or from the SKU (0CM_SKU).
If the recasting for RMA is active, the program logic attempts todetermine the article assignments for an object from the DataStoreobject RMA Object Hierarchy (0RMA_DS11).

System Response
The system terminates the data processing and the application.

As the first step, check the input data. The determination depends onthe following parameters: RMA object, plant, hierarchy ID (if required),fiscal year variant (if required), and the fiscal year variant to beread. Depending on whether you are using the Recasting function for RMA,check the following settings:

  • Case 1: Recasting not used

  • Check the correctness of the master data for the InfoObjects 0MATERIALand 0CM_SKU. The correctness of the attributes 0MATL_GROUP, 0RPA_WGH1,0RPA_WGH2 and 0RPA_WGH3 for InfoObject 0MATERIAL, and of 0CM_CDT3,0CM_CDT1 and 0CM_CDT2 for InfoObject 0CM_SKU, is of particularimportance.
    • Case 2: Recasting used

    • In this case, you must check the correctness and the completeness of thedata in DataStore object 0RMA_DS11. You must periodically fill the DSOduring the period close, by using DataSource 0RT_RMA_11. It is notpossible to fill the DataStore object outside of the period close, asthe article hierarchy or the material group hierarchy may change withinthe period. You can find exact information on the period close timeframethe IMG activity Recasting.