Message SAP WRF_REF152 - Task &1: &2&3&4

A serious problem occurred when starting or stopping a parallel task.Ths system message that describes this problem has the following text:V2v3v4.

System Response
This message occurs when the system raises a 'SYSTEM_FAILURE' or'COMMUNICATION_FAILURE' exception.

  • If the message type is E (error), then the message occurred when
  • the system tried to start a parallel task. In this case, the task couldnot be started via RFC. The system processes the task sequentiallyinstead.
    • If the message type is A (abort), then the message occurred when
    • the system received the result of a task that was started via RFCbefore. In this case, a serious problem occurred during the execution ofthis task (for example, a short dump or a communication failure).

      Contact your system administrator. A portion of the data may not havebeen processed correctly.