Message SAP WRF_PPW009 - Mat. &1: Duplicate key due to price-only material explosion

At least two worklist entries exist for the same material; both are tobe marked down identically. The material has markdown proposals at botha detailed level (such as generic material/color) and a rough level(such as generic material). The price-only material is only defined atthe detailed level, however.

System Response
The system converts the rough proposal to multiple proposals at a moredetailed level, based on the price-only material assignment. Thisresulted in a conflict with at least one proposal that was definedexplicitly at a more detailed level.

To correct the error, do one of the following:

  • Delete the markdown proposal that is flagged as incorrect at the rough
  • level.
    • Enrich the incorrect markdown proposal again. Please note, however, that
    • this will overwrite the proposals that are already enriched at adetailed level.