Id | Description |
WRCAT022 | Billing document type &1 not found. Please verify respective customizing. |
WRCAT023 | Single settl. request document &1 incomplete |
WRCAT024 | Condition group &1 does not have use case type &2 |
WRC_MESSAGES001 | Action canceled |
WRC_MESSAGES002 | Action executed successfully |
WRC_MESSAGES003 | You are not authorized to perform this action |
WRC_MESSAGES006 | User & does not exist |
WRC_MESSAGES007 | Data saved |
WRC_MESSAGES010 | Error opening file & |
WRC_MESSAGES011 | Error reading file & |
WRC_MESSAGES012 | Incorrect file type |
WRC_MESSAGES013 | Error accessing file: &1 &2 |
WRC_MESSAGES021 | File contains no valid data |
WRC_MESSAGES070 | Enter a name for the object |
WRC_MESSAGES072 | Error writing file & |
WRC_MESSAGES073 | Select an object |
WRC_MESSAGES074 | The data is not suitable for this release |
WRC_MESSAGES075 | & recordings were loaded from the file to the system |
WRC_MESSAGES076 | Recording & loaded to system |
WRC_MESSAGES080 | Enter user ID |
WRC_MESSAGES088 | Data successfully entered in change request & |
WREX000 | ------------ General Messages for Retail Data Extraction -------------- |
WREX001 | Requested query &1 is not available/not released for ODBO |
WREX002 | The query definition for query &1 is different in R/3 and in BW |
WRF_APC000 | **** From 001 to 199, the messages are reserved to article **** |
WRF_APC001 | Class &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC002 | Specify either a price catalog item or another material, but not both |
WRF_APC003 | Material &1 already exists |
WRF_APC004 | Planned material &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC005 | Reference material &1 must be a prepack material |
WRF_APC006 | No descriptions exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC007 | No characteristic values exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC008 | No article hierarchy assignments exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC009 | Cannot determine prepack number |
WRF_APC010 | Material &1 does not exist in the material collection |
WRF_APC011 | Generic material number exceeds the maximum number of characters |
WRF_APC012 | No dynamic attributes exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC013 | Material &1 can no longer be updated |
WRF_APC014 | Material &1 cannot be released |
WRF_APC015 | Material &1 cannot be unreleased |
WRF_APC016 | Characteristic &1 is not allowed for material &2 |
WRF_APC017 | Characteristic value &1 does not exist for characteristic &2 |
WRF_APC018 | Characteristic value &1 is already assigned to material &2 |
WRF_APC019 | Only one value can be assigned to characteristic &1 |
WRF_APC020 | Characteristic value &1 is not assigned to material &2 |
WRF_APC021 | No variants exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC022 | Characteristic &1 is not variant-creating |
WRF_APC023 | A variant with the same characteristic values already exists |
WRF_APC024 | Variant &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC025 | Specify either characteristic values or variant number, but not both |
WRF_APC026 | Variant &1 cannot be removed because it is used by prepack material &2 |
WRF_APC027 | Char. value &1 cannot be removed because it is used by variant &2 |
WRF_APC028 | Prepack materials cannot be released. Release material &1 first |
WRF_APC029 | No components exist for prepack material &1 |
WRF_APC030 | Reference material &1 must be a generic material |
WRF_APC031 | Specify a generic material reference |
WRF_APC032 | No description in language &1 exists for material &2 |
WRF_APC033 | Planned material &1 is not assigned to a material hierarchy node &2 |
WRF_APC034 | No sales prices created for material &1 |
WRF_APC035 | No units of measure exist for material &1 |
WRF_APC036 | No long text exists for material &1 |
WRF_APC037 | No purchasing data exists for material &1 |
WRF_APC038 | No price created for distribution chain &1 &2, material &3 |
WRF_APC039 | No price created for purchasing organization &1, vendor &2, material &3 |
WRF_APC040 | Unit of measure &1 does not exist for material &2 |
WRF_APC041 | Long text for language &1 does not exist for material &2 |
WRF_APC042 | No data exists with hierarchy ID &1 and node &2 |
WRF_APC043 | Enter a valid hierarchy; hierarchy &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC044 | Enter a valid hierarchy; hierarchy &1 is not active |
WRF_APC045 | Selected node &1 is not an end node |
WRF_APC046 | You cannot modify prepack material &1 |
WRF_APC047 | Material &1 cannot be deleted |
WRF_APC048 | Material &1 cannot be deleted because it is still in use in assignments |
WRF_APC049 | Characteristic &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC050 | No entry for single material &1 |
WRF_APC051 | Material &1 is already released |
WRF_APC052 | Material &1 is not released |
WRF_APC053 | Reference material number does not correspond to ref. material object |
WRF_APC054 | Generic materials &1 and &2 do not have the same characteristics |
WRF_APC055 | Generic material &2 does not have all variants of generic material &1 |
WRF_APC056 | You cannot modify material &1 |
WRF_APC057 | Prepack &1 cannot be released because it does not have any components |
WRF_APC058 | No markdown profile assignment found for material &1 |
WRF_APC059 | No markdown profile exists for Sales Org. &1 and D.Chan &2 for mat. &3 |
WRF_APC060 | No price catalog found for your selection criteria |
WRF_APC061 | You must enter either locked or unlocked parameter |
WRF_APC062 | Material type for material &1 is blank |
WRF_APC063 | Material type &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC064 | Enter material group for material &1 |
WRF_APC065 | Material group &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC066 | Material category for material &1 is blank |
WRF_APC067 | Material category &1 is not supported here |
WRF_APC068 | Class type &1: The status of class &2 does not allow assignment |
WRF_APC069 | Material group &1 is not defined for retail |
WRF_APC070 | Characteristic profile &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC071 | Material category &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC072 | No variant-creating characteristics exist for generic material &1 |
WRF_APC073 | Sales Organization &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC074 | Distribution Channel &1 does not exist |
WRF_APC075 | Enter Sales Organization for material &1 |