Messages SAP

Id Description
WR194 Site &: Error during status check of the subsequent calculation of value
WR195 Error during the status check of the subsequent calculation of value
WR196 Enter a positive sales price
WR200 ****Messages for Report RWVKU001****
WR201 Enter the starting date of period to be considered
WR300 * Messages from Function Grp WBW3: Determination of Cost and Retail
WR301 Valuation price of component & in plant & is zero
WR302 The option VKUMB-UWERT = 3 has not yet been implemented
WR303 Struct. Article &1: Entry Quantity for All Components Is Zero (Rounding)
WR502 You are not authorized to revaluate at retail for this plant
WR503 No individual plants could be selected
WR504 Only one sales org. can be specified here.
WR505 Only one distribution channel can be specified here
WR506 Art. &1 with standard price: No revaluation not affecting margins poss.!
WR507 Count list &4, company &1, date &2 blocked by user &3
WR520 *** Messages about archiving ********************************************
WR521 The key date for archiving cannot be a future date
WR522 Archive data inconsistent: no document header found for document &1
WRB000 ******* Messages about Revaluation at Retail via BAPIs. **********
WRB001 Plant &1 does not exist
WRB002 Sales org. and/or distribution channel does not exist for plant &1
WRB003 Enter a transaction code
WRB004 Invalid transaction code
WRB005 Enter a plant
WRB006 Enter an item status
WRB007 You are not authorized to display data for plant &1
WRB008 No storage locations found for plant &1
WRB009 Success/error log contains &1 &2
WRB010 Enter the date of the retail price change
WRB011 No rtl revaluation doc. items selected for &1.&2.&3 with status &4
WRB012 &1 rtl revaluation document items with status &2 selected
WRB013 No valid reason for price change exists
WRB014 &1 items passed on for revaluation
WRB015 &1 items revaluated
WRB016 No items revaluated
WRB017 The list transferred for entering quantities is empty
WRB018 Lock error for material &1: item status changed from A to B
WRB019 Lock error for plant &1: item status changed from A to B
WRB020 Lock error reading data for material &1.
WRB021 WAART_ERROR for material &1: item given status B
WRB022 In &1 items status changed from A to B
WRB023 All items entered given item status B
WRB024 Enter a different item status. Only status &1 allowed
WRB025 Error generating an ISO code. Count list will be deleted.
WRB026 The count list transferred contains &1 entry/entries
WRB027 Revaluation at rtl currently not possible due to subsequent value posting
WRB028 Item status &1 does not exist
WRB029 Requested table(s) contain(s) no entries
WRB030 You are not authorized to change the status of rtl reval. doc. items
WRB031 No items currently to be counted for &1.&2.&3
WRB032 No revaluation at retail for plant & because of subsequent calc. value
WRB033 Site &: Error during status check of the subsequent calculation of value
WRB099 Status of item &1 of doc. &2 changed from &3 to &4
WRB100 Material &1/stor.loc. &2 : document item with status &3 created
WRBA001 Selection was not restricted
WRBA002 No article found for vendor selection
WRBA003 Restrict selection
WRBA004 No data found for this selection criteria
WRBA005 No stock found for current selection
WRBA006 No out-of-stock situations
WRBA007 No overstock situations
WRBA008 No exception handling
WRBA009 Vendor & does not exist
WRBA010 Plant & does not exist
WRBA011 No authorization for the process for vendors and/or plants
WRBA012 No plants found
WRBA013 No articles found
WRBA014 Error when adding customer-specific data
WRBA015 Error when determining current stock
WRBA016 Error during instantiation of the BAdI
WRBA017 & stock found
WRBA020 Standard display variant &1 loaded
WRBA021 Plant is neither a store nor a distribution center
WRBA022 No purchasing info record exists for this combination
WRBA023 Vendor does not exist
WRBA024 No suitable material-vendor combination found
WRBA120 You are not authorized for this transaction for vendor & or plant
WRBA130 You are not authorized for this transaction in plant &
WRBA140 No list display possible
WRCAT001 Cost allocation profile & not found
WRCAT002 Condition group &1 not found
WRCAT003 No payment type found for company code &1 and billing type &2
WRCAT004 Billing document &1 not relevant regarding planned rebate variances
WRCAT005 Billing document &1 has no rebate arrangement number assigned
WRCAT006 Internal error while processing billing document &1: &2
WRCAT007 Error while creating single settl. req. docs for billing document &1
WRCAT008 Error while canceling single settl. req. docs. for billing document &1
WRCAT009 Single settl. request documents for billing document &1 already created
WRCAT010 No single settl. request documents available for billing document &1
WRCAT011 Settlement type &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances
WRCAT012 Maintain a valid RFC destination
WRCAT013 Maintain a valid BW info provider
WRCAT014 Connection to RFC destination currently not possible
WRCAT015 Maintain a valid BW info object
WRCAT016 Single settl. request documents for billing document &1 already cancelled
WRCAT017 Billing category &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances
WRCAT018 Planned rebate variance for billing document &1 is zero
WRCAT019 Condition application &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances
WRCAT020 Allocation of rounding differences not possible
WRCAT021 Payment type &1 not found. Please verify respective customizing.
Lignes 592801 to 592900 de 607611 entrées
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