Messages SAP

Id Description
WPOC009 Payments already made for purchase order &, item &
WPOC010 Goods issues already exist for purchase order &, item &
WPOC011 Deliveries already exist for purchase order &, item &
WPOC012 Order acknowledgements already exist for purchase order &, item &
WPOC013 Rough goods receipts already exist for purchase order &, item &
WPOC014 Inbound deliveries already exist for purchase order &, item &
WPOC015 Errors occurred during posting; document &1 has not been changed
WPOC016 Delivery date cannot be left empty in document &1 for item &2
WPOC017 Only 'D' permitted for deletion indicator for purchase order &1 item &2
WPOSN000 Factory calender for store & could not be determined
WPOSN001 Data for replenishment and forecast updated
WPOSN002 Consumption of material & could not be transferred to replenishment
WPOSN003 Period for forecast could not be determined
WPOSP_CONFIRMATION000 Unable to send confirmation message
WPOSP_CONFIRMATION001 No BAdI implementation active for confirmation
WPOSP_GENERAL000 &1&2&3&4
WPOSP_SALES_QUERY000 No BAdI implementation active for querying cash register receipt data
WPPERS101 Parameters for user &1 could not be saved.
WPPERS102 No settings found for user &1
WPPERS110 Internal error. Tab number &1 is invalid
WPPERS111 Internal error: Application &1 invalid
WPPERS112 Internal error: Valid parameter list for application &1 not found.
WPPERS113 Internal error: Valid parameter list for screen &1 not found
WPPERS114 Internal error: User &2 and/or screen &1 invalid
WPPERS115 Internal error: Field &1 for application &2 unknown.
WPPERS116 Internal error: Multiple selection not possible for field &1
WPPERS117 Internal error: Screen &1 invalid
WPPERS118 Transaction for multiple selection cannot be started directly
WPS01000 No. 001 - 049: Messages used for task list hierarchy
WPS01001 Subordinate task list &1 &2 &3 could not be found
WPS01002 Planning plant &1 differs from plant &2 of subordinate task list
WPS01003 Enter a subordinate task list (current task list is hierarchical)
WPS01004 Input of a subordinate task list is not allowed (-> F1)
WPS01005 Maintenance strategy &1 differs from strategy &2 of subordinate task list
WPS01006 &1 &2 &3 references itself as subordinate task list
WPS01007 Unexpected error occured - contact your system administrator
WPS01008 Task list &1 &2 &3 is hierarchical
WPS01009 Hierarchical task lists are ignored for equipment &1
WPS01010 Hierarchical task lists are ignored for for functional location &1
WPS01011 Do you want to jump to the maintenance of hierarchical task lists?
WPS01012 Enter group counter for the task list
WPS01013 Enter group for the task list
WPS01014 Enter group and group counter for the task list
WPS01015 No authorization for planner group &2, status &1 and plant &3
WPS01050 No. 050 - 0..: Message used for arch./reorg of hierarchical task lists
WPS01051 Task list &2 (type &1) is still used in hierarchies
WPS01052 Task list &2 &3 (type &1) is still used in hierarchies
WPS01053 Task list &2 (type &1) is still used in notifications
WPS01054 Task list &2 &3 (type &1) is still used in notifications
WPS01055 Hierarchy &1 &2 &3 has subordinate task lists; archive not possible
WPS01100 No. 100- 199: Messages used for direct input task list hierarchy
WPS01101 Task list header &1, external ID &2 was created
WPS01102 Operation &2 for subordinate task list &3 with ext. ID &4 was inserted
WPS01103 Data was posted to database
WPS01104 Data was not posted to database (test run)
WPS01110 An internal error occured (check with your administrator)
WPS01111 Unidentifiable superordinate task list in hierarchy table
WPS01112 Unidentifiable leaf task list in hierarchy table
WPS01113 Leaf task list &1 &2 &3 / ext. ID &4 could not be found in the database
WPS01114 External ID &1 is not unique in the system
WPS01115 Parent task list, key &1 / ext. ID &2 already exists
WPS01116 No attribute data for task list &1 / &2 found in interface table
WPS01117 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid type &3
WPS01118 Parent task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid external group no. &3
WPS01119 Parent task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: No internal number possible
WPS01120 Parent task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid change number
WPS01121 Parent task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Enqueue error
WPS01122 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: No authorization
WPS01123 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid plant &3
WPS01124 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid usage &3
WPS01125 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid planner group &3
WPS01126 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid status &3
WPS01127 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid system condition &3
WPS01128 Task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Missing equipment in task list attributes
WPS01129 Task list key &2 / ext. ID &2: Missing functional location in attributes
WPS01130 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid equipment &3
WPS01131 Superordinate task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid functional loc. &3
WPS01132 Superordinate t.l. &1 / &2 and subor. t.l. &3 / &4: Diff. planning plants
WPS01133 Cycle in hierarchy found: key &1 / ext. ID &2 has itself as sub task list
WPS01134 Root t.l. key &1 / ext. ID &2: Invalid mix of equi and f.loc. task lists
WPS01135 Root task list key &1 / ext. ID &2: Different equipments within hierarchy
WPS01136 Root t.l. key &1 / ext. ID &2: Different func. locations within hierarchy
WPS01212 Task list & & & is not hierarchical
WPSOR000 Enter a main work center and a plant
WPSOR001 Enter a work center and a plant
WPSOR002 Main work center &1 plant &2 does not exist
WPSOR003 Work center &1 plant &2 does not exist
WPSOR004 Task list &1: no conversion rule found for work center &2
WPSOR005 Task list &1: resulting work center &2 has the wrong controlling area
WPSOR006 Task list &1: resulting work center &2 does not exist
WPSOR007 Task list &1: error when reading resulting work center &2
WPSOR008 Task list &1: lock and deletion flag set for resulting work center &2
WPSOR009 Task list &1: deletion flag set for resulting work center &2
WPSOR010 Task list &1: resulting work center &2 locked
WPSOR011 Task list &1: activity type &2 not valid for operation &4
WPSOR013 Task list &1: plant &3 of component &2 belongs to wrong controlling area
WPSOR014 Task list &1: (operation &4) activity type &2 not planned in given year
WPSOR015 Task list &1: component &2 not maintained in plant &3
WPSOR016 Enter a valid from date
WPSOR017 Update of conversion rules for work centers not possible
Lignes 592501 to 592600 de 607611 entrées
1 5 924 5 925 5 926 5 927 5 928 6 077