Id | Description |
WP750 | Only processed documents can be reversed |
WP751 | This document was defined for processing |
WP752 | Internal error: unknown exception occurred |
WP753 | This document cannot be rejected |
WP754 | This document cannot be changed |
WP755 | This document cannot be rejected |
WP756 | The POS status cannot be changed for this message type |
WP757 | Reason for preceding status change: & |
WP758 | Reason for preceding status change: & not yet complete |
WP759 | Field changed from && to & |
WP760 | Status change not possible |
WP761 | This document cannot be postponed |
WP762 | Only reversed or rejected documents can be processed |
WP763 | Document & cannot accept status & |
WP764 | Error &1 processing object category &2 |
WP765 | No further data available, node cannot be expanded |
WP766 | No technical details available |
WP767 | Please position cursor on a line that is not empty |
WP768 | No suitable document found |
WP769 | The document status cannot be changed as document errors still exist |
WP770 | Receipt & in IDoc & contains an existing time & |
WP771 | Receipt & in IDoc & contains an existing subnetwork & for cash register |
WP772 | Receipt & in IDoc & already contains an existing POS ID & |
WP773 | Receipt & in IDoc & contains an existing date & |
WP774 | Receipt & in IDoc & contains an existing customer number & |
WP775 | Receipt & in IDoc & contains an existing cashier name & |
WP780 | Document & changed from & to resubmit |
WP781 | System found that document & contains errors |
WP782 | Document & changed from & back to processing |
WP783 | Document & set back to "reverse" by & |
WP784 | Document & rejected by system |
WP785 | Document & rejected by & |
WP786 | Document & reversed by & |
WP787 | Document & changed by system |
WP788 | Document & changed by & |
WP791 | Document & was set for processing without checks by & |
WP792 | You have no authorization to display credit card numbers |
WP793 | Display of entire number only with masked credit card number |
WP800 | First page already reached |
WP801 | Last page already reached |
WP802 | Internal error - please see long text |
WP850 | Implementation for Business Add-In 'POS_EX_REC' does not exist |
WP851 | Several open purchase orders, no suitable item, material & plant & |
WP852 | Purchase order &, item & used as reference for goods receipt |
WP853 | A purchase order is required as preceding doc. for movement type 351/352 |
WP999 | Date of transaction to old |
WPI000 | Function module can not be used in current R/3 Release |
WPI001 | Error reading & |
WPI002 | Trip provision variants were read successfully |
WPI003 | Work area T702N for Morei & was read successfully |
WPI004 | Infotyp & could not be read for personnel number & |
WPI005 | Personnel numbers were read successfully |
WPI006 | No personnel numbers could be determined |
WPI007 | Trips were successfully written to rejection table |
WPI008 | There are no travel requests to be approved |
WPI009 | Travel requests were read successfully |
WPI010 | Authorization exists |
WPI011 | Textpool from & was read successfully |
WPI012 | Return of Buffer |
WPI013 | There are no travel expenses to be approved |
WPI014 | Travel expenses were read successfully |
WPI015 | & trips were approved |
WPI016 | Trip was successfully written to rejection table |
WPI017 | Trip could not be written to rejection table |
WPI018 | Table lengths were determined successfully |
WPI019 | Personalization data could not be read |
WPI020 | Personnel numbers must be transferred to table PERNR_TAB |
WPLG001 | You need to specify either the category or the assortment |
WPLG002 | Category and assortment cannot be specified at the same time |
WPLG003 | No assortment exists for category & |
WPLG004 | No layout module assignment to & exists |
WPLG005 | Planning data request ID & does not exist |
WPLG006 | Planning data request ID & must contain planning characteristic & |
WPLG007 | No implementation of BAdI WPLG_MAP could be found |
WPLG008 | BADI WPLG_MAP did not return any values |
WPLG009 | Call module is not maintained; see long text |
WPLG010 | Plan structure & is not based on materials; material index not possible |
WPLG011 | No planning data exists; check the selection data |
WPLG012 | Customizing for planning data request ID & is incomplete |
WPLG030 | Selection method & with step & is not available |
WPLG031 | Query field name 'MATNR' in the OLTP(R/3) System must be in method & |
WPLG032 | Query field name 'WERKS' or 'KUNAG' must be contained in method & |
WPLG033 | Time variable must be defined in method & |
WPLG040 | You are not authorized to assign articles to layout module & |
WPLG041 | You are not authorized to maintain layout module version variants |
WPLG042 | You are not authorized to enter the Layout Workbench by layout module |
WPLG043 | You are not authorized to enter the Layout Workbench by site |
WPLG044 | You are not authorized to enter the Layout Workbench by assortment |
WPLG045 | You are not authorized to release layout module versions |
WPLG046 | You are not authorized to list layout module &1 for store &2 |
WPLG047 | No authorization for manual, external space management |
WPOC000 | Purchase order & has already been released for transmission |
WPOC001 | Follow-on documents already exist for purchase order & |
WPOC002 | Vendor confirmations already exist for purchase order & |
WPOC003 | Purchase order &, item &: "Delivery Completed" indicator cannot be set |
WPOC004 | Vendor confirmations already exist for purchase order &, item & |
WPOC005 | Follow-on documents already exist for purchase order &, item & |
WPOC006 | Goods receipts already exist for purchase order &, item & |
WPOC007 | Invoices already exist for purchase order &, item & |
WPOC008 | Subsequent debits/credits already exist for purchase order &, item & |