Messages SAP

Id Description
WM436 Please note: assortment & has the status "inactive"
WM437 Assortment & cannot be deleted while assignments still exist
WM438 Assignment already exists or overlaps with validity period
WM439 Customer & not maintained for sales organization & distribution channel &
WM440 Listing check completed without errors
WM441 Listing check completed with errors - see detailed error info
WM442 Listing check for module & not yet carried out
WM443 Change material: module can only be deleted in module maintenance
WM444 Module & already selected
WM445 Only enter sales org. and distr. channel in the form of a distr. chain
WM446 No customers selected
WM447 Assortment grade & is not defined as a result assortment grade
WM448 Customer & is a retail plant and cannot be assigned here
WM449 Assortment & is not valid
WM450 Please note: assortment number & has already been used for a customer
WM451 Assortment no. & has already been used for a customer of a retail plant
WM452 Assortment & still has active listing conditions
WM453 Please note: listing conditions still exist for the assortment assigned
WM454 The assignment can only be changed by editing the retail site
WM455 Breakdown indicator not maintained correctly
WM456 Material & only listed as component in assortment &
WM457 Assortment & is not a local assortment for a plant
WM458 No structured material found for material &
WM459 No BOM explosion possible
WM460 Parameters not filled for either unit of measure or ISO unit of measure
WM461 Material category & you have entered does not match material &
WM462 Not currently possible to limit the validity period of the assortment
WM463 Please select assortments before customers
WM464 Wrong Retail release (at least 1.2B required)
WM465 Assortment & still has active assignments to assortment users
WM466 Indicator for controlling replenishment is not maintained correctly
WM467 Assortment control can only be defined for "real" customers
WM468 Make entries in all reqd fields (cust., SOrg, distr.chnl, div. for cust.)
WM469 Assortment & is still assigned to assortment classes
WM470 Detailed information only available for classification errors at present
WM471 Deselect all variants for generic material & first
WM472 Date for variant & must lie within listing period of the generic material
WM473 The date for generic material & must encompass the variants' dates
WM474 Retain different listing data in other distribution chains
WM475 Release cannot be determined - no entry in table AVERS
WM476 Object & & & in table & could not be saved
WM477 Variants cannot currently be listed differently if mod. selected manually
WM478 You can only use this assortment function in a SAP Retail system
WM479 Also select generic material & when selecting its variant &
WM480 Material & is a variant - that is not allowed here
WM481 Already differing assortment grades in various distribution chains!
WM482 Listing conditions already exist for material & SOrg & distr.chnl. &
WM483 No assortments are listed for the distribution chain(s) selected
WM484 Material group & does not exist
WM485 Existing listing conditions are to be changed
WM486 Function is no longer available in Release 4.0
WM487 Material category & is not currently allowed here
WM488 Enter parameters for either material group hierarchy or material group
WM489 Entry already exists
WM490 Please note: & is a complex retail material, category = &
WM491 Please define 1 assortment as the main assortment for customer &
WM492 Please define 1 astmt as the main astmt for customer & SOrg & DistrChnl &
WM493 Customers are already assigned to assortment &
WM494 Assortment description cannot be deleted in the logon language
WM495 Assignment to assortment user & cannot be deleted
WM496 Only limited processing possible for assortment &
WM497 No detailed display possible
WM498 Program was executed succcessfully
WM499 Material group & does not exist
WM500 Module & to assortment & assignment already exists
WM501 Module & to assortment & assignment not found
WM502 Customer no. & not found
WM503 Assortment & not found
WM504 Assortment & has no customer no. or customer no. & is no assortment
WM505 Unauthorized parametrization
WM506 Range grade & and/or algorithm no. & not in table TWLWR
WM507 Assortment & and mat. group & not in table WRF6
WM508 Material & already assigned to & assortments
WM509 Module & still has items assigned to assortments
WM510 Please place cursor on line and press function key
WM511 Changes are being saved
WM512 Requirement <= purchase order, automatic processing inappropriate
WM513 PO quantity >= requirement quantity. Is this intended?
WM514 Please process the purchase orders in the list or create new ones
WM515 Customer & not assigned to promotion
WM516 After manual correction the ATP quantity has been exceeded in & cases
WM517 Promotion & blocked by another user
WM518 No orders exist; manual processing is not possible
WM519 Assortment check only possible if no more than one distr.chain assigned
WM520 Customer & is already assigned to assortment &
WM521 Shelf module: no manual direct maintenance is possible online
WM522 Shelf modules cannot be created manually
WM523 Shelf modules cannot be assigned as they already exist
WM524 No material group exists for these selection criteria
WM525 No material exists for these selection criteria
WM526 No distribution chain exists for these selection criteria
WM527 No assortment exists for these selection criteria
WM528 No assortment grade exists for these selection criteria
WM529 No plants found
WM530 Company code is different from the plant
WM531 The date you have entered, &, must be before today's date
WM532 Maximum number of materials must exceed 0
WM533 Maximum number of processes must exceed 0
WM534 Indicator for parallel processing is not flagged
WM535 You have deactivated change document generation
Lignes 590701 to 590800 de 607611 entrées
1 5 906 5 907 5 908 5 909 5 910 6 077