Id | Description |
WL041 | Work item &: no ad hoc object could be found |
WL042 | Object was successfully removed |
WL043 | No valid object could be found |
WL044 | You did not select a valid object |
WL045 | Unable to read container instance for block &1 |
WL046 | Cannot read container instance for service &1 |
WL047 | Service call &1 executed |
WL048 | tRFC with errors: &1 |
WL050 | No errors occurred -> Details in long text |
WL052 | Monitoring -> Work Item:&1, Action:&2, Duration (ms):&3, Index:&4 |
WL060 | Deadline item could not be created |
WL099 | Error processing work item |
WL100 | Container definition & was not passed |
WL101 | Binding not defined for container elements & <= & |
WL102 | Parameter error calling binding editor (& <= &) |
WL103 | Fast entry cannot be used for entry of individual elements |
WL104 | Binding definition inconsistent with (called) container definition & |
WL105 | Container element & is not loop element & |
WL106 | Constants cannot begin with '%' or '&' |
WL107 | Define a binding for the mandatory import element & |
WL108 | Expression & has object type & and not & (=reference object type) |
WL109 | Expression & has data type reference & and not & |
WL110 | Syntax error in expression: & |
WL111 | Parameter error calling editor for expression & |
WL112 | Specify a reference for expression & |
WL113 | Field length To ( & ) is smaller than field length From ( & ) |
WL114 | The source field of a date cannot have the length & |
WL115 | The source field of a time cannot have the length & |
WL116 | Data type & cannot be converted to data type & |
WL117 | Element & is not part of container definition & |
WL118 | Binding definition is consistent |
WL119 | ************** & binding definition for element & ******************** |
WL120 | Messages were created when checking the expression -> see log |
WL121 | Expression does not have a & end character |
WL122 | Index element & does not have a & end character |
WL123 | Element & is not an attribute of & |
WL124 | Conversion from ABAP type & to ABAP type & is not supported |
WL125 | Object type & does not exist |
WL126 | Element & is not the specified table element & |
WL127 | & binding for element & is incorrect |
WL128 | Binding definition contains errors -> see Check |
WL129 | Table action not possible on single-line element & |
WL130 | Table action "Append" not possible when reading an element |
WL131 | Multiline element & cannot be assigned to a single-line element |
WL132 | You have assigned an attribute of a multi-line element |
WL133 | A multiline element cannot be assigned to the single-line element & |
WL135 | Input value & is not allowed |
WL136 | Expression type & is not supported |
WL137 | Constants cannot be declared here |
WL138 | Import elements cannot be processed as a calling container is not defined |
WL139 | No element & in calling container |
WL140 | The respective element in & has no value |
WL141 | No element & in called container |
WL142 | Expression & refers to container elements that do not incorporate export |
WL143 | Expression & refers to container elements that do not incorporate import |
WL144 | No container defined for & |
WL145 | Object type & (of expression &) describes the initial object type |
WL146 | & is not a valid entry |
WL147 | Container definition passed is empty |
WL148 | Declare a system status or a user status |
WL149 | Function only allowed for data type CHAR (not for data type &) |
WL150 | Invalid ABAP type when passing expression & |
WL151 | Expression type & has no processing for expression & |
WL152 | Expression & only allows single-line values |
WL153 | Object type & does not have any key fields |
WL154 | Element & from expression & is not in container |
WL155 | Object & could not be instantiated |
WL156 | Cursor does not indicate a binding direction |
WL160 | Lines that cannot be processed in the binding definition will be deleted |
WL161 | A constant cannot be assigned to a table element |
WL162 | Element & does not have a reference type (see container definition) |
WL168 | Error converting entry for field & & |
WL169 | Error during input for element & |
WL170 | Error during type conversion |
WL171 | Date & does not exist |
WL172 | Conversion of format & is not currently supported |
WL173 | Reference field (see container definition) & & does not exist |
WL174 | Input of constants is currently restricted to length 80 |
WL175 | & does not have a valid date format |
WL176 | & has an invalid length & for the field & & |
WL177 | Please specify a value for element & using the input help |
WL180 | *------------------------ Messages for the WF log *---------------------- |
WL181 | ActiveX not available (starting version without ActiveX...) |
WL182 | Error formatting workflow log |
WL183 | Error displaying address data for user "&" |
WL184 | Error calling work item display for work item & |
WL185 | Error calling graphical workflow log for work item & |
WL186 | Error processing a generic decision dialog |
WL187 | Error displaying agents for work item & |
WL188 | Error converting the processing time of a work item |
WL190 | Error in manipulation of tree control |
WL191 | Error registering events |
WL192 | Error in dispatcher of control events |
WL193 | Error in manipulation of HTML control |
WL199 | Character & does not correspond to data type & of element & |
WL200 | No errors |
WL201 | Error reading table SWLFBASHOW |
WL202 | No entries in table SWWLOGHIST for work item & |
WL203 | No more information available... |
WL204 | The workflow with work item ID & does not exist |