Id | Description |
/CCIS/RUTAX050 | Parameter "From period" must be less or equal parameter "Till period" |
/CCIS/RUTAX051 | Parameter "From period" is not in range from 1 to 12 |
/CCIS/RUTAX052 | Parameter "Till period" is not in range from 1 to 12 |
/CCIS/RUTAX053 | Parameter "From period" must be less or equal parameter "Till period" |
/CCIS/RUTAX060 | Depr. group & for OKOF-code & is not defined in the table J_3RFTOKOF |
/CCIS/RUTAX140 | There are no permissions to read the data for company code & |
/CCIS/SCMIM001 | No plant is entered; report execution may take a long time |
/CCIS/SCMIM002 | Plant & does not exist; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM003 | You are not authorized to view this document |
/CCIS/SCMIM004 | You are not authorized to view this material |
/CCIS/SCMIM005 | Material type & does not exist; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM006 | Material group & does not exist; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM007 | Valuation area & does not exist; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM008 | Material & does not exist for plant &; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM009 | Material & does not exist; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM010 | Storage location & does not exist for plant &; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM011 | Data entered on the selection screen have been corrected |
/CCIS/SCMIM012 | Enter either a plant or a co. code with a G/L acc. to save the report |
/CCIS/SCMIM013 | Enter either a plant or a co. code with a G/L acc. to restore the report |
/CCIS/SCMIM014 | You cannot save and restore the report at the same time |
/CCIS/SCMIM015 | Report for plant & period & & was replaced in the database |
/CCIS/SCMIM016 | You are not authorized to view plant & |
/CCIS/SCMIM017 | You are not authorized to view company code & |
/CCIS/SCMIM018 | Plant & does not exist for company code &; check your entry |
/CCIS/SCMIM019 | Enter either a plant or a co. code with a G/L acc.; do not enter both |
/CCIS/SCMIM020 | Account does not exist in company code & |
/CCIS/SCMIM021 | Variant not found |
/CCIS/SCMIM022 | Documents with changed valuation types are not processed |
/CCIS/SCMIM023 | Documents posted during run; results may be incorrect |
/CCIS/SCMIM024 | Report for co. code & G/L acc. & period & & was replaced in the database |
/CCIS/SCMIM025 | Report for plant & period & & is not stored in the database |
/CCIS/SCMIM026 | Report for co. code & G/L acc. & period & & is not stored in the database |
/CCIS/TAX100 | Enter tax object code |
/CCIS/TAX101 | Tax object &1 already exists. Choose a different name. |
/CCIS/TAX102 | Cannot create other hierarchy |
/CCIS/TAX103 | Please select a tax object or a hierarchy |
/CCIS/TAX104 | You cannot create subnode for this node |
/CCIS/TAX105 | User &1 is currently editing the hierarchy &2. Display mode. |
/CCIS/TAX106 | Enter tax object description |
/CCIS/TAX107 | Activity &1 does not exists |
/CCIS/TAX108 | Indicate either debit or credit |
/CCIS/TAX109 | Specify account number |
/CCIS/TAX110 | Enter table name |
/CCIS/TAX111 | Table &1 is not used in the activity &2 |
/CCIS/TAX112 | Field &1 does not belong to table &2 |
/CCIS/TAX113 | Enter selection value for field &1 |
/CCIS/TAX114 | Table &1 does not exist |
/CCIS/TAX115 | Please save data first |
/CCIS/TAX116 | Tax objects hierarchy &1 does not exist |
/CCIS/TAX117 | Rule &1 does not exist |
/CCIS/TAX118 | Enter correct period |
/CCIS/TAX119 | Enter year |
/CCIS/TAX120 | Starting period must be less or equal to ending period |
/CCIS/TAX121 | Select only one line |
/CCIS/TAX122 | Choose detail line |
/CCIS/TAX123 | You are not authorized for creation of an assignment |
/CCIS/TAX124 | You are not authorized for deletion of an assignment |
/CCIS/TAX125 | You are not authorized for changing of assignments |
/CCIS/TAX126 | You are not authorized for viewing of assignments |
/CCIS/TAX127 | Tax hierarchy &1 sucessfully included into request &2 |
/CCIS/TAX128 | You are not authorized for tax hierarchy transport |
/CCIS/TAX129 | Error during including tax hierarchy into request |
/CCIS/TAX130 | Selection criteria for field &1-&2 already defined |
/CCIS/TAX131 | Tax hierarchy &1 is consistent |
/CCIS/TAX132 | You are not authorized for creation of a tax hierarchy |
/CCIS/TAX133 | You are not authorized for deletion of a tax hierarchy |
/CCIS/TAX134 | You are not authorized for viewing of tax hierarchies |
/CCIS/TAX135 | You are not authorized for changing of tax hierarchies |
/CCIS/TAX136 | Hierarchy rollup created |
/CCIS/TAX140 | No tax accounting table group created |
/CCIS/TAX141 | Table group & is not installed |
/CCIS/TAX142 | Exit pool must be in the customer namespace |
/CCIS/TAX143 | Enter exit pool name |
/CCIS/TAX144 | Program &1 already exists |
/CCIS/TAX145 | Exit-pool for area &1 must be different than exit pool for area &2 |
/CCIS/TAX146 | Enter pool name |
/CCIS/TAX147 | Value &1 is not allowed for field &2-&3 |
/CCIS/TAX148 | Table group for tax accounting was not created |
/CCIS/TAX149 | & is a view, not a table |
/CCIS/TAX150 | & is an append structure, not a table |
/CCIS/TAX151 | Table name & is not allowed |
/CCIS/TAX152 | & is used in field movements. Choose another name. |
/CCIS/TAX153 | Table &1 doesn't contain field &2 |
/CCIS/TAX154 | Enter either field name or constant |
/CCIS/TAX155 | & is a structure, not a table |
/CCIS/TAX200 | Program &1 sucessfully copied into program &2 |
/CCIS/TAX201 | Exit-pool &1 already extended |
/CCIS/TAX202 | Exit-pool &1 does not exists. Default exit-pool &2 is used instead |
/CCIS/TAX203 | Error while reading exit-pool &1 |
/CCIS/TAX204 | Error while writing exit-pool &1 |
/CCIS/TAX205 | Exit-pool &1 sucessfully extended |
/CCIS/TAX206 | You are using interpreted rules (read the long text) |
/CCIS/TAX207 | Rule &1 is locked by user &2 |
/CCIS/TAX208 | Error while creating rule &1 |
/CCIS/TAX209 | Rule &1 sucessfully created |
/CCIS/TAX210 | Field movement &1 was not created |
/CCIS/TAX211 | Field movement &1 sucessfully created |
/CCIS/TAX212 | Field movement &1 already exists |
/CCIS/TAX213 | Ledger &1 already exists |
/CCIS/TAX214 | Rule &1 already exists |