Id | Description |
00305 | & session(s) & & |
00306 | No session found with status "New" or "Error" |
00307 | Error in & of session & & |
00308 | The batch input session is empty |
00309 | The requested session cannot be processed |
00310 | Choose a processing type |
00311 | & session(s) selected |
00312 | The requested session is locked |
00313 | & session(s) and log(s) deleted & |
00314 | & is not currently supported |
00315 | & logs were deleted |
00316 | Screen source not available: & & |
00317 | Unable to read log list |
00318 | Log list is empty |
00319 | Unable to find log list & |
00320 | Session destroyed, cannot be processed |
00321 | & logs were selected |
00322 | Session & is being processed by user & |
00323 | You cannot process more than one log with this function |
00324 | No log exists |
00325 | No log list available |
00326 | Session & released for processing |
00327 | Status cannot be changed |
00328 | The required block does not exist |
00329 | &, create session .&. not allowed, as last session is still active |
00330 | &, session not opened |
00331 | &, internal data area for screen .&1&2. too small |
00332 | &, queue error at &. Please check the system log |
00333 | &, client .&. is invalid |
00334 | &, group .&. is invalid |
00335 | &, lock date .&. is invalid |
00336 | &, user .&. is invalid |
00337 | &, destination .&. is invalid |
00338 | &, Transaction code .&. is invalid |
00339 | &, screen .&&. is invalid |
00340 | Batch input queue error. Please check the system log |
00341 | Runtime error & has occurred |
00342 | Batch input internal error. Please check the system log |
00343 | Cursor field &1&2 does not exist in the screen |
00344 | No batch input data for screen & & |
00345 | Processing of batch input session completed |
00346 | Field name & not valid in the batch input data |
00347 | Field &1&2 is not an input field |
00348 | Field &1&2 input value is longer than screen field |
00349 | Field &1&2 does not exist in the screen &3 &4 |
00350 | Input value for OK code is too long |
00351 | & session contents passed to spool for printing |
00352 | "LEAVE TO TRANSACTION" & is not allowed in batch input |
00353 | Session & cannot be protected (error in locking operation) |
00354 | OK code & is not allowed in batch input |
00355 | Transaction was processed successfully |
00356 | Transaction was deleted from batch input session |
00357 | Transaction error |
00358 | Field &1&2 not found in loop of screen &3 &4 |
00359 | The transaction was terminated by the user |
00360 | Queue error, function: & RC & SQL-RC & |
00361 | Error in transaction data |
00362 | Error in screen data |
00363 | & transactions read |
00364 | & transactions processed |
00365 | & transactions with errors |
00366 | & transactions deleted |
00367 | Screen deleted from batch input session |
00368 | &1 &2 |
00369 | Screen is not required |
00370 | Processing statistics |
00371 | Length error in transaction data |
00372 | Length error in screen data |
00373 | Update error, transaction &, no. in session & |
00374 | &, separation indicator .&. is invalid |
00375 | &, field table is invalid |
00376 | &, no transaction created yet |
00377 | Update error, transaction & |
00378 | Start screen does not exist in batch input data |
00379 | Screen & & is too large for internal batch input area |
00380 | Processing not possible (session is locked) |
00381 | Batch input session deleted |
00382 | Batch input processing ended |
00383 | Batch input processing cancelled |
00384 | Start of session reached |
00385 | End of session reached |
00386 | Log for session & deleted |
00387 | Error deleting log & |
00388 | & session(s) transferred to background processing |
00389 | No authorization for reorganizing sessions and logs |
00390 | Unable to schedule session &. |
00391 | No authorization for processing session & online |
00392 | No authorization for processing session & in background |
00393 | No authorization for release of session & |
00394 | No authorization for locking/unlocking session & |
00395 | No authorization for deleting session & |
00396 | No authorization for analyzing session & |
00397 | Batch input is not active |
00398 | & & & & |
00399 | Batch input: Unknown return code |
00400 | No free dialog process available |
00401 | Maximum number of internal sessions reached |
00402 | Error establishing CPIC connection |
00403 | Eye catcher of the number range buffer corrupted |
00404 | Error setting up a remote session |