Id | Description |
00204 | Presentation ended |
00205 | Error in APPC CONN headers |
00206 | Invalid log version |
00207 | APPC connection type '&' not supported |
00208 | & |
00209 | Error creating APPC message |
00210 | Error in APPC message |
00211 | No CUA area available |
00212 | Connection terminated |
00213 | CPIC server sending screen & &. Cancelled |
00214 | Error in RCUI slave. A start UI mode/BI mode is missing |
00215 | Error in RCUI slave. ThCtrlGetInBuf ends with rc=& |
00216 | Error in RCUI slave. Internal buffer for data is too small |
00217 | Error in the RCUI Slave. Error while receiving GUI data |
00218 | & is not currently supported |
00219 | ABAP variable & does not exist |
00220 | ABAP table & does not exist |
00221 | Communication terminated |
00222 | Gateway memory bottleneck |
00223 | Connection to a CPIC program terminated (read failed) |
00224 | CPIC program connection ended (write error) |
00225 | Unknown CPIC function |
00226 | Invalid conversation ID |
00227 | SAP gateway process terminated |
00228 | Storage error in SAP gateway |
00229 | Storage error in SAP gateway |
00230 | No free connection available. Please try again later |
00231 | No free SAP gateway processes. Please try again later |
00232 | Failed to start SAP gateway process (gwwp) |
00233 | Incorrect communication type |
00234 | Failed to establish connection to CPIC program |
00235 | Connection no longer exists in internal connection table |
00236 | SAP gateway connection failed. Is SAP gateway started? |
00237 | Connection to SAP gateway terminated (Is SAP gateway closed?) |
00238 | SAP gateway communication error (Is SAP gateway closed?) |
00239 | SAP gateway communication error (Is SAP gateway closed?) |
00240 | Invalid length (check parameters) |
00241 | Function is invalid in this environment |
00242 | Timeout during connection setup. Please check partner availability |
00243 | Failed to connect to SAP system (parameters exist?) |
00244 | Connection closed by partner |
00245 | Insufficient gateway memory (Try again later) |
00246 | Incorrect version of CPIC program (check the installation) |
00247 | Remote or local gateway not running, Note 1138406 |
00248 | Failed to read table TXCOM. |
00249 | Active connection table is full. Please try again later |
00250 | No CUA area available |
00251 | No storage of class SHORT available |
00252 | Entry cannot be selected |
00253 | Invalid OK command |
00254 | Invalid menu code |
00255 | Function code cannot be selected |
00256 | Choose a valid function |
00257 | No menu entries found |
00258 | Unknown event |
00259 | DB cursor cannot be set |
00260 | Invalid "fastpath" |
00261 | Storage area for GUI status & & too small |
00262 | No status entry found for $ $ |
00263 | CUA: (Function sets missing) |
00264 | Status &2 of the user interface &1 missing |
00265 | CUA: (F keys missing) |
00266 | CUA: (F keys missing) |
00267 | CUA: (Texts missing) |
00268 | CUA: (Set of active functions missing) |
00269 | Help function is only active after logon |
00270 | A status cannot be set in a sub-screen. (Screen : & &) |
00271 | No memory available for CUA interface |
00272 | Insufficient memory: Include menu & & cannot be included |
00273 | & is not defined in the profile |
00274 | Error in call parameters |
00275 | Unable to reconnect from &1 to &2 |
00276 | DB connection to replacement DB server initialized |
00277 | Error in call DB_FUNCTION |
00279 | Password cannot be longer than 8 char. and cannot contain lower case |
00280 | The password must contain at least & digits (0-9) |
00281 | The password must contain at least & letters (A-Z, a-z) |
00282 | The password must contain at least & special characters |
00283 | The password must contain at least & lowercase characters (a-z) |
00284 | The password must contain at least & uppercase characters (A-Z) |
00285 | Service request not possible, function module &1 not available |
00286 | ABAP table & cannot be extended |
00287 | Set parameter ID &... is too long |
00288 | Internal memory overflow at set parameter ID & |
00289 | System error "&" received in RCUI slave |
00290 | Enter your old password |
00291 | Your password has been deactivated |
00292 | Password rules have been tightened; change of password required |
00293 | Both passwords must be identical |
00294 | The entered password is not downward compatible (see long text) |
00295 | Communication error, Transaction &, Number in folder & |
00296 | Service request not possble, method &1=>&2 not available |
00297 | Field & changed: & (previously: &) |
00298 | Formatting error in the field &; see next message |
00299 | Could not release folder &, since it still contains a background job |
00300 | Session & is being processed by user & in mode & on server & |
00301 | Position the cursor on a line in the list |
00302 | Invalid date & |
00303 | You cannot process more than one session with this function |
00304 | & session(s) deleted & |