Messages SAP

Id Description
001002 An error occurred when starting the Shockwave control.
00101 Batch input: Processing mode 'Display errors only' activated
00102 Batch input: Processing mode 'Process visibly' activated
00103 Int. table & without header line not supported with LOOP AT itab
00104 Transaction was exited with function key F3, F12 or F15
00105 Transaction restarted by user
00106 Error reading log file &
00109 No CHECK type checkbox found
00110 Use the most recent SAPGUI version
00111 List extract can not be fully displayed
00112 Control & & does not exist
00113 Tab title pushbutton & not assigned to an area
00114 Tab control not supported by SAPgui
00115 Tab & has no active buttons
00116 Controls active, cannot resume
00117 Function code of pushbutton & is invalid
00118 Screen output area too small
00119 Protected tab titles are not supported (tab & title &)
00120 Table Control &: More than the specified & columns were referenced
00121 SAP GUI does not support strings (variable length types)
00122 Invalid GUI output data: &1
00123 Invalid GUI input data: &1
00124 Configuration not possible due to pending entries
00125 No field defined for the function code
00126 Specify positive values only
00127 This function is not possible
00128 Screen error during matchcode processing (notify person responsible)
00129 Matchcode object not specified
00130 Current RFC connection does not permit you to execute this function
00131 "Skip Initial Screen" is not permitted for transaction &
00132 Function not possible in update debugging
00133 Function not possible in background debugging
00134 Maximum number of sessions reached
00135 Maximum number of sessions reached in the system
00136 Value of SET PARAMETER ID & has the length 0
00137 Logons from external user authentication are generally rejected
00138 Logons from X.509 client certificate are generally rejected
00139 This system does not let you log on using a password
00140 This system rejects all logons using SSO tickets
00141 The system is unable to interpret the SSO ticket received
00142 Cannot check issuer of SSO ticket
00143 Issuer of SSO ticket is not authorized
00144 System received an expired SSO ticket
00145 This SSO ticket has already been used (security protection)
00146 Error in configuration of SAP logon tickets
00147 Assertion ticket received is not meant for this system
00148 User account not in validity date
00149 No authorization for object &
00150 You are not authorized to use function &
00151 Program error. Please notify the person responsible
00152 Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)
00153 Enter a new password
00154 No valid license installed (no logon possible)
00155 User already logged on at another terminal
00156 Log on with a dialog user
00157 User not authorized. Session terminated
00158 User is locked. Please notify the person responsible
00159 The logon language does not match system code page &
00160 Auth. check > Long text (tr. & object &)
00161 CPIC is not allowed in this system
00162 >>>>>>>>>>> & &
00163 Client & is not available in this system
00164 Error creating authorization buffer (notify the person responsible)
00165 Maximum number of users in the system reached
00166 The client is currently locked against logon
00167 Screen &1: DDIC structure &2 was modified during the run
00169 License expiration date: & (in & days)
00170 No logon possible (no hw ID received by mssg server)
00171 Select one of the installed languages
00172 You are not authorized to use Transaction &
00173 Enter first and last name
00174 No authorization to open the X.25 connection
00175 Logon refused (license has expired)
00176 Logon refused (license data improperly modified)
00177 Logon refused (valid license not installed)
00178 Logon refused (license key invalid)
00179 Logon not possible (error in license check)
00180 You can change your password only once a day
00181 The new and old passwords must have at least & different characters
00182 The initial password has expired (request a new one)
00183 Choose another password (this password is invalid)
00184 The passwords specified must be identical
00185 Use only characters from the 'syntactical character set'
00186 New password cannot begin with '?' or '!'
00187 Password is not long enough (minimum length: & characters)
00188 The first three characters of the password must all be different
00189 The first three characters must not be part of the user name
00190 You can no longer change the password
00191 Program error occurred (notify SAP)
00192 Password changed
00193 Choose a password that is different from your last & passwords
00194 Password is in exception table
00195 The input field contains prohibited characters (already deleted)
00196 No valid GUI codepage for language & (system codepage &)
00197 You have no password; you cannot log on using a password
00198 This operation was canceled because the user has no password
00199 You have no authorization to administer passwords remotely for user &1
00200 Password logon no longer possible - too many failed attempts
00201 Exit status unknown (abend)
00202 CALL SCREEN (not modal) in modal dialog box not allowed
Lignes 25401 to 25500 de 607611 entrées
1 253 254 255 256 257 6 077