Id | Description |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES004 | Queue &1 processed |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES005 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES006 | Delivery &1 is not distributed to system &2 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES007 | Delivery &1 distributed to system &2 with function &3 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES008 | Queue &1 distributed to system &2 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES009 | RFC &1 does not exist;must have a counterpart in table /SPE/RFC_IF_LOC |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES010 | The function is not supported for the current system configuration |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES011 | Navigation from Queue is registered |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES012 | Navigation from Queue is deregistered |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES013 | No registration - manually changed Navigation from Queues |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES014 | Function &1 needs to be generated but already exists in area &2 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES015 | The Warehouse &1 is Not Defined as an EWM Warehouse |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES016 | Warehouse number &1 is central |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES017 | The Warehouse &1 is Defined as an EWM Warehouse |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES018 | No Entries for WhseNo &1 so far. Use Create function |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES019 | Inspection Outcome for RMA &1 distributed to system &2 with function &3 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES020 | Data of Inspection Lot &1 distributed to system &2 with function &3 |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES021 | No maintenance authorization for requested data (object &1, DICBERCLS &2) |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES022 | No display authorization for requested data (object &1, DICBERCLS &2) |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES023 | Queue will be restarted due to locking problems (number of restarts &1) |
/SPE/IF_SERVICES024 | For object &1 method &2 multiple ALE receivers are maintained |
/SPE/IM_CO000 | Account Assignment for Internal Consumption (EWM <--> ERP) |
/SPE/IM_CO001 | AAC &1 has been started for plant &2 at &3 &4 |
/SPE/IM_CO002 | Function terminated due to a severe error. |
/SPE/IM_CO003 | AAC &1 finished at &2 &3 with Return Code &4 |
/SPE/IM_CO004 | AAC "??" has been started at &1 &2 |
/SPE/IM_CO005 | In the importing parameters, the user name has not been given |
/SPE/IM_CO101 | Account Assignment Category &1 is not valid |
/SPE/IM_CO102 | The invalid Delimiter character &1 has been replaced by &2 |
/SPE/IM_CO103 | Plant must be given |
/SPE/IM_CO104 | Valuation Area (T001W-BWKEY) for plant &" is not valid |
/SPE/IM_CO105 | Company Code (T001K-BUKRS) for plant &1 is not valid |
/SPE/IM_CO106 | Controlling Area (KOKRS) for Company Code &1 (BUKRS) is not valid |
/SPE/IM_CO107 | No language dependent texts will be returned |
/SPE/IM_CO108 | The language code &1 cannot be recognized |
/SPE/IM_CO109 | &1 is not a valid data base table |
/SPE/IM_CO110 | The field list must not be empty |
/SPE/IM_CO111 | &2 is not a valid fieldname in table &1 |
/SPE/IM_CO112 | Internal Control Record for AAC &1 is missing |
/SPE/IM_CO113 | Mandatory primary key field &1-&2 is missing in the field list |
/SPE/IM_CO114 | Mandatory object key field &1-&2 is missing in the field list |
/SPE/IM_CO115 | Internal Control Record for AAC &1 is not valid |
/SPE/IM_CO116 | Data Base error while reading table &1 &2 |
/SPE/IM_CO117 | For this selection, no data could be found in table &1 |
/SPE/IM_CO118 | Range definition &1-&2 does not contain a valid field name |
/SPE/IM_CO119 | Range definition &1-&2 is not valid (&3 &4) |
/SPE/IM_CO120 | Object number range must not be given along with an object number table |
/SPE/IM_CO121 | The specified internal object number is longer than &1 positions |
/SPE/IM_CO122 | The specified internal object number &1 is not numeric |
/SPE/IM_CO123 | Invalid WBS-Element &1 cannot be converted |
/SPE/IM_CO124 | The key date points into the past: &1 |
/SPE/IM_CO125 | RFC Authority Check: The RFC user &1 does not exist |
/SPE/IM_CO126 | User &1 has no authority to execute AAC determination |
/SPE/IM_CO127 | RFC Authority Check: An unexpected error occurred for user &1 |
/SPE/IM_CO128 | User &2 has no authority to execute AAC determination '&1' |
/SPE/IM_CO129 | /SPE/AAC Authority Check: An unexpected error occurred for user &1 |
/SPE/IM_CO130 | BADI_OUT is not implemented |
/SPE/IM_CO131 | BADI_IN is not implemented |
/SPE/IM_CO132 | BADI_DB is not implemented |
/SPE/IM_CO133 | BADI_DB &1 &2 |
/SPE/IM_CO134 | Conversion not possible for field &1 value &2 |
/SPE/IM_CO135 | BADI_OUT is not correctly implemented |
/SPE/IM_CO136 | BADI_IN is not correctly implemented |
/SPE/IM_CO137 | BADI_DB is not correctly implemented |
/SPE/IM_MAT_VAL000 | Importing table IT_MBEW_KEY is in initial status |
/SPE/IM_MAT_VAL001 | You are not authorized to display the material master on client level |
/SPE/IM_MAT_VAL002 | You are not authorized to display the material master for plant &1 |
/SPE/IM_MAT_VAL003 | Enter the long material number or the material number |
/SPE/INBVAL000 | Enter &1 |
/SPE/INBVAL001 | Enter value in required field &1 for delivery item &2 |
/SPE/INBVAL002 | External identification of document missing |
/SPE/INBVAL003 | Enter unique bill of lading for the delivery note (see inbound del. &1) |
/SPE/INBVAL004 | Internal error |
/SPE/INBVAL005 | Version of stored document is more recent than ID |
/SPE/INBVAL006 | ID version does not exist |
/SPE/INBVAL007 | Enter packaging specifications |
/SPE/INBVAL008 | PO items are partially TPOP |
/SPE/INBVAL009 | Plant &1 in delivery header does not match plant &2 in item &3 |
/SPE/INBVAL010 | Inbound delivery &1 item &2 has not been processed for goods receipt |
/SPE/INBVAL011 | The delivery must have status 'on hold' |
/SPE/INBVAL012 | External identification for the delivery is not consistent |
/SPE/INBVAL013 | Warehouse number for the delivery is not consistent |
/SPE/INBVAL014 | Inbound delivery status 'In-Plant' does not allow any changes |
/SPE/INBVAL015 | SAP settings cannot be deleted |
/SPE/INBVAL016 | Temporary ID does not exist for deletion of delivery &1 |
/SPE/INBVAL017 | Temporary ID does not exist for replacement of delivery &1 |
/SPE/INBVAL018 | Warehouse number not specified |
/SPE/INBVAL019 | Warehouse &1 in delivery header does not match warehouse &2 in item &3 |
/SPE/INBVAL020 | GR is posted for item &1, hence it cannot be split to new delivery |
/SPE/INBVAL021 | Invalid Means of Transport Type &1 |
/SPE/INBVAL022 | No changes from Non-EWM systems permitted on ID &1 due to pending queue |
/SPE/INBVAL023 | ID originally created by EWM. Action &1 not permitted from system &2 |
/SPE/INBVAL024 | Partner/Address data missing in field |
/SPE/INBVAL025 | Complete ASN is rejected;supersession reported in the ASN |
/SPE/INBVAL026 | Material quantity in ASN different from ordered quantity in the PO |
/SPE/INBVAL027 | Delivery date in ASN not within validity period of IC master data |
/SPE/INBVAL028 | Previous Document Type &1 not found |
/SPE/INBVAL029 | Exception Code &1 raised |
/SPE/INBVAL030 | Required attribute &1 missing in IDoc for item &2 |
/SPE/INBVAL031 | Several batches for required attribute &1 &2 found |