Id | Description |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE028 | Time zone for condition maintenance not configured |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE029 | There are no maximum generated tables for condition type &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE030 | Error in condition type &1 in application &2, usage &3. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE031 | DATA_ORIGIN field completed inconsistently |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE032 | Time in valid-to or valid-from date not accepted. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE033 | No table for condition group &1 in access for condition type &2. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE034 | The scale level ID &1 of dimension &2 does not have a scale level. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE035 | The scale table dimension is not equal to that of the condition record. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE036 | The DIM scale table displays an unknown condition record number. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE037 | The scale for dimension &1 is not defined (in the DEF scale table) |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE038 | Value of field &1 is different from database status. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE039 | Value of field &1 was changed within the maintenance session |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE040 | Value of field &1 was adjusted by the condition maintenance API. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE041 | Table &1 does not match the database content. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE042 | Scale &1 already exists in the database. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE043 | Only certain times are permitted. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE044 | User &1 does not exist |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE045 | Double entries exist for field 'SCALE_LINE_ID' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE046 | R/3 compatability settings do not permit multi-dimensional scales. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE047 | R/3 compatability settings do not permit a processing status. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE048 | Inconsistency between VAL and EVL scale table |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE049 | Inconsistency between condition record and EVL scale table |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE050 | A scale table has been incorrectly filled |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE051 | There are two scale lines with the same scale levels |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE052 | Scale table &1 displays an unknown condition record number |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE053 | Selected client &1 is not available in system |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE054 | Scale comp. &1 contains other clients than the condition record |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE055 | No text exists for condition table &1 &2 &3 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE056 | Maintenance of processing status is not supported |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE057 | Field &1 has to have the value &2 for R/3 compatibility |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE058 | There are no tables with &2 for condition type &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE059 | Validity does not lie in selected validity window |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE060 | No scale entries available in table &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE061 | Too many entries in scale table &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE062 | Business partner &1 has been archived |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE063 | The insert operation for table &1 failed |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE064 | The update operation for table &1 failed |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE073 | You cannot change the status of records that have already been released |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE074 | Enter a valid-to date |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE075 | Enter a valid-from date |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE100 | * Reserved for condition maintenance selection tree 100-250 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE101 | Inconsistency in selection tree: Node & not found! |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE102 | Inconsistency during processing of selection tree! |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE250 | * Java Object Framework Messages 250-400 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE251 | General CRM errors occured. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE252 | Error when entering in working set. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE254 | Vailidity period field '&1' with value '&2' is not a TIMESTAMP. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE255 | Condition record not found in database. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE256 | Unknown attribute '&1'. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE257 | Attribute '&1' not found in condition record. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE258 | Condition record not found in working set. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE259 | Condition record could not be changed: attribute: '&1', value: '&2' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE260 | Data not saved yet. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE261 | Condition record read in read-only mode. Change not permitted. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE262 | Validity period not permitted: '&1' to '&2'. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE263 | Error when creating binding structures. Attr: '&1', value: '&2' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE264 | Error when creating condition type '&1'. Appl: '&2', usage: '&3' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE265 | Condition record could not be read. Condition type: '&1' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE266 | Error when deleting entry from working set. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE267 | Attribute class structure '&1' could not be created. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE268 | Condition type '&1' is missing from access sequence |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE269 | Error when creating condition record. Type:'&1', Appl:'&2',Usage:'&3' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE270 | Condition record not permitted. Could not process. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE271 | New condition record contradicts existing record. Type: '&1' |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE400 | ** ABAP User Interface Layer ** 400-599 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE401 | Select a line/column. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE402 | Select a line in &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE403 | Select a cell or line in item area. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE404 | Maximum number of dimensions already reached |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE405 | Select exactly one line in item area. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE406 | Only select dimension columns. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE407 | Select one or more dimension columns. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE408 | Not all lines are changeable or non-changeable. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE409 | Not all columns have the same value in each line. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE410 | Select an exact dimension column. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE411 | Select a dimension column. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE412 | An interval scale type is only permitted for the first dimension. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE413 | No scales can be maintained for this condition record. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE414 | Select a condition record |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE415 | Work Area Control was not initialized |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE416 | The function code you have selected is unknown to the system |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE417 | Condition records to be saved were saved |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE418 | No condition records were found |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE419 | One or more condition records are blocked. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE420 | &1 condition record(s) was(were) also displayed |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE421 | Choose a column. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE422 | Choose a row. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE423 | The layout category used does not exist. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE424 | Select a scale level |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE425 | Inconsistency between field catalog and working set structure. |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE426 | At least one condition record is write-protected and was not copied |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE427 | At least one condition record is write-protected and was not deleted |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE428 | The scale level contains a limit value and cannot be deleted |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE429 | The condition record may not be deleted |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE430 | Function &1 terminated by user |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE431 | You are not authorized to display condition tables for &1 and &2 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE432 | Condition maintenance group &2 does not exist for application &1 |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE433 | &1 condition records were selected. (Maximum number of hits: &2) |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE434 | Do you wish to display all selected condition records? |
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE435 | No fields were selected |