Messages SAP

Id Description
/SAPCND/GENERATOR334 Int. scale element TTYP &1 was written into the DDIC successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR335 Activation of internal scale element TTYP &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR336 Internal scale element TTYP &1 was activated successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR337 Generation of internal scale element TTYP &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR338 Generation of int. scale elem. TTYP &1 was completed successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR339 Generate table type for internal scale element &1
/SAPCND/GENERATOR340 Generation of external scale element TTYP &1 was started
/SAPCND/GENERATOR341 Ext. scale elelment TTYP &1 could not be written into the DDIC
/SAPCND/GENERATOR342 Ext. scale element TTYP &1 was written into the DDIC successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR343 Activation of external scale element TTYP &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR344 External scale element TTYP &1 was activated successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR345 Generation of external scale element TTYP &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR346 Generation of ext. scale element TTYPs &1 was completed successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR347 Generate the table type for external scale element &1
/SAPCND/GENERATOR348 Internal scale element &1 was activated with a warning
/SAPCND/GENERATOR349 External scale element &1 was activated with a warning
/SAPCND/GENERATOR350 The table type of int. scale element &1 was activated with a warning
/SAPCND/GENERATOR351 The table type of ext. scale element &1 was activated with a warning
/SAPCND/GENERATOR352 XPRA & does not need to be carried out
/SAPCND/GENERATOR353 Stucture of /SAPCND/T688FV Caches was started
/SAPCND/GENERATOR354 XPRA &1 was executed successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR355 Generation of additional objects &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR356 Deletion of additional objects &1 failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR357 Application &1 has no communication structures
/SAPCND/GENERATOR358 Changes to repository objects in the current client are not permitted
/SAPCND/GENERATOR359 Impl. for BADI /SAPCND/GENERATOR, method &1, object &2, is inconsistent
/SAPCND/GENERATOR360 Field &1 of table is not referenced in access &2 &3 &4
/SAPCND/GENERATOR361 Group working set &1 does not have to be generated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR362 Application &1 does not contain the correct type of time stamp field
/SAPCND/GENERATOR363 Time stamp field &1 does not have correct type CHAR14
/SAPCND/GENERATOR364 Group WS for table &1 &2 &3 do not have to be generated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR365 Activation of Basis communication structures failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR366 The communication structures were activated with a warning
/SAPCND/GENERATOR367 The communication structures were activated successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR368 XRPA &1 is executed as Startrelease &2 is relevant
/SAPCND/GENERATOR369 Generation of DDIC object &1 is not necessary
/SAPCND/GENERATOR380 &1 &2 &3 &4
/SAPCND/GENERATOR381 No fields in structure &1
/SAPCND/GENERATOR400 ** Customizing correction **
/SAPCND/GENERATOR401 Correction of Customizing tables finished successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR402 Correction of Customizing tables was incorrect
/SAPCND/GENERATOR403 Errors occurred when processing field &1 in table &2
/SAPCND/GENERATOR410 Conversion of field &1 into &2 is not possible with these parameters
/SAPCND/GENERATOR411 Conversion of field &1 into &2 is not possible for some records
/SAPCND/GENERATOR412 Conversion of field &1 into &2 produces records with the same key
/SAPCND/GENERATOR413 No data records are selected for conversion of field &1 into field &2
/SAPCND/GENERATOR414 Conversion of field &1 into &2: Errors occured when saving
/SAPCND/GENERATOR415 Error converting field &1 into &2 for condition type &4.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR416 No field conversion for application &1, use &2 and table &3.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR500 ** Cross-application messages **
/SAPCND/GENERATOR501 Global system parameter &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/GENERATOR502 Creating names of generated objects failed
/SAPCND/GENERATOR503 Object could not be generated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR504 Condition table was not generated successfully
/SAPCND/GENERATOR505 No objects exist to be generated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR600 ** Generation of accesses **
/SAPCND/GENERATOR601 No accesses were chosen
/SAPCND/GENERATOR602 Field information incorrect for access &1(&2)
/SAPCND/GENERATOR603 Generation data not updated in &1
/SAPCND/GENERATOR604 Access program successfully generated for &1(&2)
/SAPCND/GENERATOR605 Access program for &1(&2) could not be generated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR606 Placeholder &1 is not defined (FM &2)
/SAPCND/GENERATOR607 Error interpreting generation context
/SAPCND/GENERATOR608 Parameter &1 not defined (FM &2)
/SAPCND/GENERATOR609 Include &1 could not be read
/SAPCND/GENERATOR610 Generation of access not permitted
/SAPCND/GENERATOR611 Customizing data for access is incorrect
/SAPCND/GENERATOR612 Include could not be added to function group
/SAPCND/GENERATOR613 Include &1 could not be written
/SAPCND/GENERATOR614 Error converting field &1 into &2 for condition table &3
/SAPCND/GENERATOR615 Conversion of field &1 into &2 results in records with an identical key.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR616 Generation status GESTA could not be updated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR617 Version VERSION_GUID could not be updated
/SAPCND/GENERATOR700 * RTTS: Generation of Handles
/SAPCND/GENERATOR701 No handle type determined for data type &1
/SAPCND/GENERATOR791 Inconsistent entry in table &1 for condition table ID &2.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR792 Inconsistent entry in table &1 for condition table ID &2.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR793 Start: Correct.of entries in /SAPCND/T681, /SAPCND/T681E, /SAPCND/T681T.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR794 End: Correction of entries in /SAPCND/T681, /SAPCND/T681E, /SAPCND/T681T.
/SAPCND/GENERATOR795 Inconsistent entry in table &1 for condition table ID &2.
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE100 Function group &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE101 Unable to read program &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE102 Include &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE103 '&1' is not a valid function module name
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE104 Internal error in function module '&1'
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE105 Unable to find or activate table &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE106 Unable to activate table &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE107 Table &1 was activated, but warnings were issued (see activation log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE108 Error occurred when activating table &1 (see activation log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE109 '&1' is not a valid name for an index for database table &2
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE110 Index &1 of table &2 was activated but warnings were issued (see log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE111 Error occurred when activating index &1 of table &2 (see activation log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE112 Unable to find or activate structure &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE113 Unable to activate structure &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE114 Structure &1 was activated, but warnings were issued (see activation log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE115 Errors occurred when activating structure &1 (see activation log)
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE116 Error occurred when calling &1 to create a table type for structure &2
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE117 Error occurred when calling &1 to create table type &2
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE118 Unable to find or activate table type &1
/SAPCND/GEN_CODE119 Unable to activate table type &1
Lignes 19701 to 19800 de 607611 entrées
1 196 197 198 199 200 6 077