Messages SAP

Id Description
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING619 Function &1 terminated by user
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING620 This combination of application / usage does not exist.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING621 No key field may follow a non-key field
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING622 Error in condition table & in data source
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING623 Table name is not in namespace
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING624 Original of this table is not in the system
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING625 Select an application and an usage
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING626 Condition tables may not have more than 10 fields
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING627 Only data types RAW or CHAR are permitted.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING628 Total of Field Lengths for All Key Fields is Too Long
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING629 Data Type &1 Not Known
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING631 The name of the condition table is inital
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING632 Object directory entry was not created
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING700 ** Report: Where-Used List of Generated Objects ** [700-749]
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING701 & uses object & in & (&)
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING750 ** Messages for general Customizing Function Modules [750-849]
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING751 Parameter &1 must be filled.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING752 Caller &1 &2 is not registered in table /SAPCND/T681Z
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING753 Condition table &1 &2 &3 is not registered in table &4.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING754 The generation status of condition table &1 &2 &3 is not at maximum.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING755 Usage &1 is not registered in table /SAPCND/T681V.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING756 The chosen dimension &1 is larger than the largest dimension &2.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING757 The scale base type &2 for usage &1 is not registered in table &3.
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING758 The insert operation for table &1 failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING759 The update operation for table &1 failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING760 Error when structuring table &1
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING761 Field name &1 is not available in table &2
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING762 Modify operation for table &1 failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING763 Cycle within inheritance dependencies of &1
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING764 Field &1 in table &2 is initial for value &3 of &4
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING765 Usage &1 has the higher-level usage &2
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING769 Usage &1 cannot be used in this scenario
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING770 Usage &1 can only be used in special scenarios
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING771 Field name &1 not found in field catalog of application &2
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING772 Field name &1 cannot be checked
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING850 Condition table is not available
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING851 Fields for condition table do not exist
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING852 Text for condition table does not exist
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING853 An inactive version of condition table &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING854 An active version of condition table &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING890 Database access for table &1 failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING891 CREATE DATA for table &1 failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING892 Determination of object names for scale tables failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING893 Determination of scale data records failed
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING894 LIN table is not available: Appl. &1, Usage &2, Type &3
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING895 VAL table is not available: Appl. &1, Usage &2, Dimension &3
/SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING896 Active version of scale table &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/CUST_T000 * client copy *
/SAPCND/CUST_T001 No groups to be deleted exist in target client &1.
/SAPCND/CUST_T002 No groups to be generated exist in target client &1.
/SAPCND/CUST_T003 Analysis/Generation/Deletion of condition objects during client copy
/SAPCND/CUST_T004 Source client &1 is same as current client -> Return.
/SAPCND/CUST_T005 Client Copy called in Test mode -> Return.
/SAPCND/CUST_T006 Client Deletion called in mode &1-> Return.
/SAPCND/CUST_T007 Remote Client Copy/ Client Export exit called in source system -> Return
/SAPCND/CUST_T008 Condition Table &1 is not relevant for appl (= application data) = &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T009 Condition Table &1 has no entries in sourceclient &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T010 Start of exit &1
/SAPCND/CUST_T011 Exit &1 is not executed in case MODUS = &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T012 Condition Table &1 present in source client, but not in target client
/SAPCND/CUST_T013 End of exit &1
/SAPCND/CUST_T020 Exit &1 is not executed in case RUNS_IN_SOURCE = &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T021 Exit &1 is not executed in case APPL ( = application data) = &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T200 *** Mass activation ***
/SAPCND/CUST_T201 DDIC mass activation
/SAPCND/CUST_T202 Program generation/deletion
/SAPCND/CUST_T203 Begin of AS4LOCAL and GESTA Update of /SAPCND/T681
/SAPCND/CUST_T204 Generation status &1 for condition table &2 &3 &4 preprared for update
/SAPCND/CUST_T205 Successfull end of AS4LOCAL and GESTA Update of table &1
/SAPCND/CUST_T206 DDIC mass activation total return code: &1
/SAPCND/CUST_T207 Report generation total return code: &1
/SAPCND/CUST_T208 Successfull end of GEN_STATUS = &1 update for table &2
/SAPCND/CUST_T209 Generation status &1 for group &2 (client &3) prepared for update
/SAPCND/CUST_T210 Begin of GEN_STATUS Update
/SAPCND/CUST_T211 Generation status &1 for task &2 &3 prepared for update
/SAPCND/CUST_T212 Generation status &1 for application &2 prepared for update
/SAPCND/CUST_T300 * online generation *
/SAPCND/CUST_T301 User &1 has a lock that prevents generation
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS000 ** [000 - 199] Update messages **
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS001 Error in mass delete in table &1.
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS002 Error in mass insert in table &1.
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS003 Error during mass update in table &1.
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS200 ** [200 - 299] messages when selecting from the DB **
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS201 A row in the where-clause table exceeds 72 characters
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS205 Missing BC Content in table &1
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS300 ** [300 - 399] Messages for class /SAPCND/CL_DB_ACCESS_SRV **
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS301 Entries missing in cache for table &1
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS302 Field names cannot be created
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS303 Fields in scale table &1 cannot be determined
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS304 Value of field &1 in table &2 differs from condition record
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS305 Field &1 of condition record is missing in fixed format
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS306 Field &1 of &2 table is missing in fixed format
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS307 Construction of where-requirement failed
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS308 Number of assigned values per search field exceeded
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS309 Determination of name for condition table failed
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS310 Scale level &1 is missing in fixed format in &2 table
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS311 Import parameter &1 when calling up &2 is initial
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS312 Selection of scales failed
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS400 ** [400 - 450] Messages for report /SAPCND/BUILD_UP_COND_INDEX **
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS401 Condition table is not available or not active
Lignes 19101 to 19200 de 607611 entrées
1 190 191 192 193 194 6 077