Message SAP /OSP/MSG462 - Size of output for Report &1 variant &2 greater than the set limit DOCUMENTATION DiagnosisThe file size of the generated report is greater than the specifiedlimit.System ResponseThe report is not sent to the client and the user is notified by anerror email.ProcedureThe user has one of the two following options:Filter the report parameters to generate a smaller reportIncrease the report file size limit (contact the system administrator)Procedure for System AdministrationTo increase the file size limit:Log on to the specific mySAP ERP system where you have installed theABAP components.In the system command line enter the transaction SIMGH> and pressEnter.In the Edit IMG Structure screen, place your cursor in the IMG Structurefield and press F4 to search. In the Title field, enter OSP 1.0Implementation Guide, and click the Execute icon.Double-click OSP 1.0 Implementation Guide.Click the Display IMG Structure icon, and select IW 1.0.Expand Application Flow Settings, and click the activity icon for DefineApplication Behavior Settings.Under Solutions select IW.Under Applications select Reporting Management.Choose Application Behavior and select the setting 'REPORT_MAX_SIZE'. Inthe Setting Value column, enter (in kilobytes) the maximum file size ofthe generated report (for example, 2048 for a report of 2MB).