Message SAP /MAP/M610 - Influencing factor &1: Different periodicity &3 for closures &2

The influencing factor &V1& is of the type "number of sales days" and itis assigned the influencing factor &V2& for taking account of locationclosures.
If an influencing factor for taking closures into account is assigned toan influencing factor of the type "number of sales days", bothinfluencing factors must have the same periodicity. In the case of theinfluencing factor &V1&, the periodicity is &V4&.
The assigned influencing factor &V2& has the periodicity &V3&. This isnot allowed.

System Response
Processing is cancelled.

If you want to take closures into account, assign an influencing factorof the type "event" and with the periodicity &V4& to the influencingfactor &V1&.