Message SAP /BEV1/EMC734 - Movement type & for tied empty is incorrect

The table /bev1/emppbwart contains the movement types of the associatedempties that were generated from the production order.
An incorrect entry was made in this table. There are several reasons forthis:
1. The table is empty or contains empty fields.
2. At least one movement type was specified there that was not created.
3. Customizing for the movement type is incorrect or is not fullymaintained.

System Response
Goods movements for the full product and the associated empties were notposted.

Change the entry in table /bev1/emppbwart, or:
1./2. Create the required movement type.
3. Check and maintain Customizing for the movement type(s).
After this you can postprocess the incorrect goods movements. You canonly post goods movements if both movement types from table/bev1/emppbwart are correctly maintained.