Message SAP /ISDFPS/FDP822 - Creation of service assignments not permitted

You wanted to create a new service offer for a force element (infotype1953). This is not possible, because service offers can only be createdunder certain conditions, which are not met in this case.

System Response
Action is terminated.

There may be a number of reasons for this behavior.
The creation of infotypes is only possible in the status "Planned" and"Active", and if the force element is not active, they can only becreated in the status "Planned".
The most likely explanation is that you have deactivated the status"Planned" or "Active" in your user settings. This means that you cannotcreate infotype records in these statuses. If this is the case, reactiv
ate the status in your user settings and create the service offer again.
However, it may also be the case that creation of a service offer is notpossible for force elements of a particular status. This can beconfigured in Customizing (table T777F). If you do not haveauthorization for this, contact your system administrator.
It is also possible that you do not have authorization to create serviceoffers in one or both statuses. In this case, contact your systemadministrator.