Message SAP /ISDFPS/FDP131 - Relationship between &1 &2 and P &3 cannot be delimited

For one of the force elements (O) or positions (S) to be delimited,there is at least one temporary duty, wartime, operational, or exerciserelationship for a person. This means that at least one record existsfor this person in the Command and Delegation (0748) PersonnelAdministration infotype. By delimiting the force element or position,this infotype record must also be delimited.
However, an error occurred when delimiting the record.

System Response
The entire delimitation or activation activity is terminated.

It is likely that you do not have the authorization to edit records inthe Command and Delegation infotype for the personnel number mentioned.In this case, trigger the delimitation of the record by the responsibleauthorized administrator and then run this activity again.
If the problem is not missing authorization, try to directly delimit therecord with a suitable Personnel Administration transaction. Once therecord has been successfully delimited, run this activity again.