Message SAP /ISDFPS/FDP130 - During delimitation of relationship of &1 &2 to P &3: P &3 is locked

For one of the force elements (O) or positions (S) to be delimited,there is at least one temporary duty, wartime, operational, or exerciserelationship for a person (P). This means that at least one recordexists for this person in the Command and Delegation (0748) PersonnelAdministration infotype. By delimiting the force element or position,this infotype record must also be delimited.
However, the corresponding personnel number for the person is currentlylocked and cannot be edited.

System Response
The entire delimitation or activation activity is terminated.

Check whether the personnel number mentioned was locked so that itcannot be edited, or is currently being edited by another user.
Make sure that the personnel number is not locked so that it cannot beedited and repeat the procedure.