Message Oracle TNS-12521 - TNS: listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor

ERRORTNS: listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor
CAUSEThe listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified in addition to the service name an instance name for an instance (usually a database instance) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.
ACTION- Wait a moment and try to connect a second time. - Check which instances are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services - Check that the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor specifies an instance name known by the listener. - Check for an event in the listener.log file.