Messages Oracle

Id Message
TNS-00243 Connection Manager: Tracing is now OFF
TNS-00244 Connection Manager: Request Failed
TNS-00245 Connection Manager: Failed to open log file
TNS-00246 Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing
TNS-00247 Unable to allocate memory for configuration data from TNSNET.ORA file
TNS-00248 Unable to get information from file : string: Exiting with NR error: number
TNS-00249 Unable to read network configuration data from file string with error: string
TNS-00250 Navigator has been started
TNS-00251 Failure in nstest:
TNS-00252 Unable to handle route request: string
TNS-00253 Error in reading network configuration data from file string with error string
TNS-00254 Navigator has been stopped
TNS-00255 Closing down log, stopping Navigator
TNS-00256 Status of Navigator:
TNS-00257 Number of Successful Requests : number
TNS-00258 Number of Failed Requests : number
TNS-00259 Disabled Interchange list:
TNS-00260 ---------------------------------
TNS-00261 Interchange Name Community Link Down Time Remaining (secs)
TNS-00262 stringstringnumber
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