Message Oracle SQL*Loader-00820 - cannot create where clause with range for table string

ERRORcannot create where clause with range for table string
CAUSEThe EXTERNAL_TABLE parameter was specified for a multi-table load, and a WHEN clause for one of the tables contains a reference to a range of bytes in the record. SQL Loader uses the WHEN clause from the control file to generate the WHERE clause in the INSERT statement. If the WHERE clause contains a reference to a range of bytes in the table, then a valid WHERE clause can not be generated. Note that SQL Loader will proceed as if GENERATE_ONLY was specified for the EXTERNAL_TABLE parameter.
ACTIONModify the control file to only use field references in the WHEN clause. Note that this may require creating a filler field. Another alternative is to create one control file for each table to be loaded and load the table separately.