Message Oracle SQL*Loader-00410 - Number to skip must be load-level, not table-level

ERRORNumber to skip must be load-level, not table-level
CAUSEA SKIP clause was found in the INTO TABLE statement of a standard (non-continued) load. In a standard load, specified with LOAD DATA, it is not possible to skip a different number of records for each table. The number of records to skip must be specified for the entire load by using the SKIP parameter on the command line or in the OPTIONS clause. If table-level skip is required, because a different number of records were loaded into each table (only possible for a multiple- table direct load), then specify a continued load with the CONTINUE_LOAD statement. See also messages 409 and 411 for more information.
ACTIONIf the load was not a multiple-table, direct path load, then move the SKIP clause from the INTO TABLE statements to the command line or to the OPTIONS clause. Otherwise, specify the load as continued with CONTINUE_LOAD.