Messages Oracle

Id Message
RMAN-06764 string
RMAN-06765 Tablespace string will be encrypted in future backup sets
RMAN-06766 Tablespace string will not be encrypted in future backup sets
RMAN-06767 Tablespace string will default to database encryption configuration
RMAN-06768 duplicate or conflicting options are specified: string and string
RMAN-06769 length of password must be greater than zero
RMAN-06770 backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition
RMAN-06771 cannot do IMPORT CATALOG after NOCATALOG has been used
RMAN-06772 cannot do IMPORT CATALOG before connecting to recovery catalog
RMAN-06773 connected to source recovery catalog database
RMAN-06774 must specify a TNS service name for source recovery catalog database
RMAN-06775 not connected to source recovery catalog database
RMAN-06776 source recovery catalog database not started
RMAN-06777 ORACLE error from source recovery catalog database: string
RMAN-06778 WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry #string
RMAN-06779 import validation complete
RMAN-06780 database unregistered from the source recovery catalog
RMAN-06781 string package version string in source database is not of version string
RMAN-06782 Datafile headers of locally managed datafiles need to be updated.
RMAN-06783 Update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles finished.
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