Id | Message |
QSM-01218 | query rewrite is likely more expensive due to a single table match between materialized view and query |
QSM-01219 | no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query |
QSM-01220 | materialized view, string, is disabled, stale or unusable |
QSM-01222 | materialized view string is less optimal than string |
QSM-01241 | query measure cannot be derived from the materialized view string |
QSM-01244 | join back could not be done on a view for string |
QSM-01246 | join back on correlated columns not allowed (string) |
QSM-01247 | join back cannot be done on a materialized view that does not have an aggregate (string) |
QSM-01248 | materialized view does not have the join back level(s) (string) |
QSM-01251 | query rewrite cannot perform rollup due to the presence of a window function |
QSM-01256 | query rewrite not possible for this DDL statement |
QSM-01257 | query rewrite not possible for this DML statement |
QSM-01263 | query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table or view |
QSM-01271 | query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view string with table string has eliminated some rows found in query |
QSM-01273 | query rewrite not possible because materialized view string has a join not found in query |
QSM-01274 | query rewrite not possible because materialized view string and query have different number of joins between tables string |
QSM-01279 | query rewrite not possible because DML operation occurred on a table referenced by materialized view string |
QSM-01281 | query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string |
QSM-01284 | materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query |
QSM-01293 | anti-join marker not found in materialized view with joins |