Messages Oracle

Id Message
PLS-01453 This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard
PLS-01454 No operator may be used with values of data type CHAR
PLS-01455 The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column specifications
PLS-01458 The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1
PLS-01460 Cannot access object on a remote host
PLS-01463 STDDEV is not a standard set function
PLS-01464 VARIANCE is not a standard set function
PLS-01466 Null strings are not allowed
PLS-01467 The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications
PLS-01468 The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string
PLS-01469 ANSI standard does not permit records
PLS-01470 The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type CHAR
PLS-01471 The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_expr)
PLS-01472 In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification
PLS-01473 Use <> instead of != or ~=
PLS-01474 Use of ANY is non_ANSI
PLS-01500 Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view
PLS-01501 Options in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.
PLS-01502 Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.
PLS-01503 The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function
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