Messages Oracle

Id Message
PLS-00725 type string must be a supertype or subtype of the TREAT expression
PLS-00726 MODIFY ELEMENT is supported only on schema-level varray and nested tables
PLS-00727 MODIFY LIMIT is supported only on schema-level varray types
PLS-00728 the limit of a VARRAY can only be increased and to a maximum 2147483647
PLS-00729 only widening of the collection element type is allowed
PLS-00730 collection element type does not allow modifications
PLS-00731 ALTER TYPE is supported only on schema-level types
PLS-00732 Illegal overload of ellipsis in formal parameter list
PLS-00733 RPCs to variable argument functions are not allowed
PLS-00734 Illegal use of an associational parameter with a formal ellipsis
PLS-00735 Attempted to declare more than one formal ellipsis parameter
PLS-00736 user-declared operators are not allowed
PLS-00737 LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification exceeds the maximum allowed length
PLS-00738 REF target string changed during compilation
PLS-00739 FORALL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not supported on remote tables
PLS-00740 ASSEMBLY identity specification exceeds the maximum allowed length
PLS-00741 string must be specified on subprogram strings declaration and definition
PLS-00742 field string is not yet denotable
PLS-00752 Table function string is in an inconsistent state.
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