Messages Oracle

Id Message
PLS-00624 USING clause must be used with either aggregate or pipelined functions
PLS-00625 PARTITION/CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clause can only be used with IN parameters
PLS-00626 partitioned/clustered/ordered parameter must be a function argument
PLS-00627 string must be a strongly typed ref cursor
PLS-00628 string must be a valid record attribute
PLS-00629 PIPE statement cannot be used in non-pipelined functions
PLS-00630 pipelined functions must have a supported collection return type
PLS-00631 PARTITION-BY and CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clauses must be used with the same function argument
PLS-00632 NOT INSTANTIABLE method cannot have a body
PLS-00633 RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an expression
PLS-00634 type with NOT INSTANTIABLE methods must be declared NOT INSTANTIABLE
PLS-00635 method does not override
PLS-00636 overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword
PLS-00637 FINAL method cannot be overriden or hidden
PLS-00638 cannot overload MAP method
PLS-00639 NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 cannot be byte length semantics
PLS-00640 a pipelined function cannot be called from PL/SQL context
PLS-00641 INTO clause not allowed for this SELECT statement
PLS-00642 local collection types not allowed in SQL statements
PLS-00643 booleans, index tables, records and cursors not allowed in SQL statements
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