Messages Oracle

Id Message
PLS-00357 Table,View Or Sequence reference string not allowed in this context
PLS-00358 column string exists in more than one table; use qualifier
PLS-00359 assignment target in string must have components
PLS-00360 cursor declaration without body needs return type
PLS-00361 IN cursor string cannot be OPENed
PLS-00362 invalid cursor return type; string must be a record type
PLS-00363 expression string cannot be used as an assignment target
PLS-00364 loop index variable string use is invalid
PLS-00366 subtype of a NOT NULL type must also be NOT NULL
PLS-00367 a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler
PLS-00368 in RAISE statement, string must be an exception name
PLS-00369 no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler
PLS-00370 OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block
PLS-00371 at most one declaration for string is permitted
PLS-00372 In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression
PLS-00373 EXIT/CONTINUE label string must label a LOOP statement
PLS-00374 illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; must appear inside the loop labeled string
PLS-00375 illegal GOTO statement; this GOTO cannot branch to label string
PLS-00376 illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; it must appear inside a loop
PLS-00377 internal type PLS_INTEGER is not included in this release of PL/SQL
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