Message Oracle PCC-00113 - Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

ERRORValue of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option
CAUSEWhen MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, DBMS=V7 was specified, or when MODE=ANSI, DBMS=v6 was specified. These option settings are incompatible. Note that the DBMS option was not available before release 1.5 of the Oracle Precompilers.
ACTIONWith DBMS=V7, instead of MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, specify MODE={ANSI | ORACLE}. With DBMS=V6, instead of MODE=ANSI, specify MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13 | ORACLE}, but MODE=ORACLE is recommended.