Messages Oracle

Id Message
PCB-00220 Invalid scale specified in EXEC SQL VAR statement
PCB-00221 OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause not allowed for host variable string
PCB-00222 Size for host variable string exceeds maximum size
PCB-00223 Undeclared variable string
PCB-00224 Ambiguously referenced variable string
PCB-00225 Undeclared SQL identifier string
PCB-00226 SQL identifier string already defined
PCB-00227 Undeclared indicator variable string
PCB-00228 Invalid group item variable string
PCB-00229 Indicator variable string has wrong type or length
PCB-00230 Indicator table size must not be less than its host variable
PCB-00231 Host and indicator variables may not have the same name.
PCB-00232 Tables not allowed as input bind variables in SELECT statement
PCB-00233 Table size mismatch in INTO/USING. Minimum is: number
PCB-00234 FOR variable string is invalid type
PCB-00235 Table size mismatch in INTO/USING. Minimum is: number
PCB-00236 Cannot use PIC N/G variable. NLS_NCHAR not set or set incorrectly.
PCB-00237 Declaration of string cannot have a level number greater than 48
PCB-00238 Element of this table group item host variable cannot be a table
PCB-00239 Element of a table group item indicator cannot be table or group item
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