Messages Oracle

Id Message
DIA-48167 invalid argument for checking ADR initialization
DIA-48168 the ADR sub-system is not initialized
DIA-48169 incorrect arguments to ADR deferred initialization
DIA-48170 unable to lock file - already in use
DIA-48171 unable to get share lock - file not readable
DIA-48172 unable to find a valid ADR base
DIA-48173 error checking directory existence during ADR initialization [string]
DIA-48174 error encountered with get current working directory
DIA-48175 the path name must not contain the string ...
DIA-48176 error translating a path name into its full path name
DIA-48177 file name with full path information [string] not allowed
DIA-48178 error encountered while reading an ADR block file during ADR initialization [string]
DIA-48179 OS file synchronization failure
DIA-48180 OS open system call failure
DIA-48181 OS write system call failure
DIA-48182 OS read system call failure
DIA-48183 OS close system call failure
DIA-48184 OS seek system call failure
DIA-48185 OS file size system call failure
DIA-48186 OS check file exists system call failure
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