Messages Oracle

Id Message
TNS-03601 Failed in route information collection
TNS-03602 Insufficient arguments. Usage: trcroute
TNS-03603 Encountered a node with a version eariler than SQL*Net 2.3
TNS-04001 string
TNS-04002 The command completed successfully.
TNS-04003 Syntax Error.
TNS-04004 Unable to encrypt the supplied password.
TNS-04005 Unable to resolve address for string.
TNS-04006 Invalid password
TNS-04007 Internal error number.
TNS-04008 string | string
TNS-04009 string | number
TNS-04010 Command cannot be issued before the ADMINISTER command.
TNS-04011 Oracle Connection Manager instance not yet started.
TNS-04012 Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.
TNS-04013 CMCTL timed out waiting for Oracle Connection Manager to start
TNS-04014 Current instance string is already started
TNS-04015 Current instance string is not yet started
TNS-04016 Connecting to string
TNS-04017 Please wait. Shutdown in progress.
Lignes 20021 to 20040 de 20375 entrées
1 1 000 1 001 1 002 1 003 1 004 1 019