Functionality This function module checks the scheduled node assignments of an articlehierarchy according to different criteria. On creation, changing, copying, reassigning of one or more nodes, thereis a check if the validity of the relevant node assignment lies withinthe validity of the (new) parent node assignment (-> VALIDITY_UP_CHECK)or not. In the case of multiple schedule records of a node assignment, thefunction module checks that the individual time periods do not overlap(->VALIDITY_OVERLAP_CHECK). Gaps between the individual time periods arepossible. If, on a higher level, the time period of a node assignment isshortened, the function module checks if the shortened time period stillincludes the time periods of the subordinate node assignments(->VALIDITY_DOWN_CHECK). If the validity of an article hierarchy assignment has expired, that is,the assignment is flagged logically for deletion, then no newnodes/articles may be assigned to this assignment(->VALIDITY_LVM_CHECK). |