Fonction SAP WRF_MATGRP_ARTICLE_CL - Article Classification with Multiple Assignments

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
PIT_ARTICLE WRF_ARTICLE_TTY h 52 Table of Articles to Classify

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description

Exception Description
NO_ARTICLE_SELECTED No Current Article Entered
NO_DATABASE_ENTRIES No Database Entries Found
NO_NODE_FOUND Hierarchy Node Does Not Exist
TREE_LEVEL_NOT_FOUND Hierarchy Level Does Not Exist
WRONG_PARAMETERS Incorrect parameter transfer

This function module returns the node or path for one or more articlesby which the articles can be uniquely classified. In the case ofscheduled assignments, the validity date of the article assignment mustalso be provided.
In the import structure PIT_ARTICLE, besides the obligatory hierarchy IDand article, the following parameters can be provided:
Hierarchy level: The hierarchy level is to be provided if, for a levelof the article hierarchy, the uniquely identifying node of the articleis to be determined.
Node number: If a specific value is provided, then the path of thearticle for this value is determined bottom-up.
Path flag: If this flag is set, the unique identification path isdetermined bottom-up to the category. If a level is provided in additionto the path flag, then the path to the level provided is determined.
End-node flag: If this flag is set, the direct node assignment of thearticle to be classified is determined.
Within the function module, the parameters are checked for consistency.For example, the combination of hierarchy level with end node flag isnot possible. In case of multiple assignment of the provided article,the function module first determines all nodes of the level or, if thepath flag is set, all paths of the article. Unique identification of anode or path occurs in the BAdI BADI_MATGRP_ART_CL that is called by thefunction module. In this BAdI you can implement a customer-specific pathor node determination.
Application: An application indicator (for example, as pricefunctionality) can be provided to the BAdI so that anapplication-specific path or node selection is possible. The categoriesdetermined for the article will also be provided to the BAdI. As aresult, the BAdI returns a category via which the multiple assignmentscan be clearly broken down. Using the category, the function moduledetermines the node or path of the article which identifies it uniquely.If the result of the BAdI is empty, then with multiple assignment, thedefault setting is that the first node of a level or the first path tothe category is returned.
The export structure PET_ARTICLE_CL_NODE contains the node(s) by whichthe article(s) can be uniquely identified. The export structurePET_ARTICLE_CL_PATH contains the path(s) by which the article(s) can beuniquely identified. The function module is called up in applications inwhich the article must be classified uniquely, for example, in the OTBcheck, price point group determination etc.