Paramètre | Reférence | Type | Long. | Valeur par déf. | Facultatif | Description |
IS_DOCUBATCH_COM | DOCUBATCH_COM | u | 184 | X | Documentary Batch - Communication Structure | |
IT_DOCUBATCHES | DOCUBATCH_SCREEN_FIELDS_TT | h | 168 | X | Documentary Batch - Table Screen Fields | |
I_AUFNR | AUFNR | C | 12 | X | Order Number | |
I_AUFPS | CO_POSNR | N | 4 | X | Number of Order Item | |
I_DOCUBATCH_CHARG | DOCUBATCH_CHARG | C | 10 | X | Documentary Batch - Batch Number | |
I_EBELN | EBELN | C | 10 | X | Purchasing Document Number | |
I_EBELP | EBELP | N | 5 | X | Item Number of Purchasing Document | |
I_LINE_ID | MB_LINE_ID | N | 6 | X | Unique Identification of Document Line | |
I_MATNR | MATNR | C | 18 | Material Number | ||
I_POSNR | POSNR_VL | N | 6 | X | Delivery Item | |
I_PROCESS_ID | DOCUBATCH_PROCESS_ID | C | 2 | X | Definable Processes for Documentary Batches | |
I_QUANTITY | ERFMG | P | 7 | Quantity in Unit of Entry | ||
I_RSART | RSART | C | 1 | X | Record Type | |
I_RSNUM | RSNUM | N | 10 | X | Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirement | |
I_RSPOS | RSPOS | N | 4 | X | Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement | |
I_UOM | ERFME | C | 3 | Unit of Entry | ||
I_VBELN | VBELN_VL | C | 10 | X | Delivery | |
I_WERKS | WERKS_D | C | 4 | Plant |
Exception | Description |
PARAMETER_ERROR | Transfer parameters containing errors |
PROCESS_NOT_ACTIVE | Process Not Active |
Depending on the process number, at least the following fields should bepopulated. 01,,Goods Receipt for External Procurement I_EBELN and I_EBELP 02,,Goods Receipt for Subcontracting I_EBELN and I_EBELP 03,,Goods Issue for Subcontracting I_EBELN and I_EBELP 04,,Goods Receipt from Production I_AUFNR 05,,Goods Issue to Production I_AUFNR 06,,Picking Delivery to Customer I_VBELN and I_POSNR The structure IS_DOCUBATCH_COM can be used to pass on further data tothe BAdI within the documentary batches. You can use the parameter Documentary Batch - Replace Parameters(I_REPLACE_EXISTING_DATA) to control what is to be done with thedocumentatary batches passed on. ' ', The documentary batches are added '1', The existing documentary batches are replaced by the ones passedon. If no documentary batches are passed on, this parameter instanceleads to the deletion of the existing documentary batches |