Fonction SAP TR_VALID_NAMESPACE_LIST - List of valid namespaces (optional as F4 help)

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
IV_DISPLAY_AS_F4_LIST TRPARI-FLAG C 1 ' ' X 'X': Output as F4 help screen
IV_EDIT_ONLY TRPARI-FLAG C 1 'X' X 'X': Display modifiable namespaces only
IV_LICENSED_ONLY TRPARI-FLAG C 1 'X' X 'X': Display namespaces with valid licenses only
IV_NONGENERATED_ONLY TRPARI-FLAG C 1 ' ' X 'X': Display namespaces without active GEN_ONLY only
IV_PRODUCER_ONLY TRPARI-FLAG C 1 'X' X 'X': Display own namespaces only
IV_SAPSTANDARD_ONLY TRPARI-FLAG C 1 ' ' X 'X': Display namespaces belonging to the SAP standard only
IV_SHOW_ALSO_NONPREFIX_NAMESPC TRPARI-FLAG C 1 ' ' X Default: ' ', 'X' for special calls only

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
ES_SELECTED_NAMESPACE TRNSP_S_NSPINFO 0 Selected line with namespace information

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
ET_NAMESPACE TRNSP_T_NSPINFO 0 X List of valid namespaces

Exception Description

This function module generates a list of the namespace prefixes in theSAP System.
You can address additional restrictions for the list ET_NAMESPACE usingother input parameters:

  • IV_EDIT_ONLY = "X": Only the namespaces are listed that are set in the
  • SAP System to "modifiable".
    • IV_PRODUCER_ONLY = "X": Only the namespaces are listed that have the
    • role "producer".
      • IV_LICENSED_ONLY = "X": Only the namespaces are listed for which a
      • valid change license is entered.
        • IV_NONGENERATED_ONLY = "X": Only the namespaces are listed that are not
        • reserved for generated objects.
          If you activate several restrictions, then only the namespace prefixesare listed in ET_NAMESPACE that match all selection criteria.
          If none of the namespaces defined in the SAP System match the selectedcriteria, the exception NO_VALID_NAMESPACE_FOUND is triggered.
          If the input parameter IV_DISPLAY_AS_F4_LIST = "X" is set, the list isoutput as F4 help. If you select a row in the F4 list, its contents arereturned in the structure ES_SELECTED_NAMESPACE and EV_LINE_SELECTED ="X" is set. If you do not select a line, then both of these returnparameters remain unfilled.

          Further information
          For a detailed description of namespaces and the related settings, seeHelp -> SAP Library -> Basis Components ->ABAP Workbench -> Change and Transport System ->Namespaces and Naming Conventions -> Development in ReservedNamespaces.