Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
PI_KORRNUM E070-TRKORR C 20 Order, to be appended
WI_E071 E071 u 180 Object key
WI_SIMULATION TRPARI-W_SIMULAT C 1 ' ' X Flag, 'X' - no database update
WI_SUPPRESS_KEY_CHECK TRPARI-W_NO_CHECK C 1 ' ' X Flag, whether key syntax check suppressed

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
WT_E071K E071K 282 X Input/output table E071K

Exception Description
NO_AUTHORIZATION No authorization for this function
NO_SYSTEMNAME System name indeterminable or invalid length
NO_SYSTEMTYPE System category not determinable
TR_CHECK_KEYSYNTAX_ERROR Syntax error in an E071k entry (->Message)
TR_CHECK_OBJ_ERROR Syntax error in E071 entry (see message)
TR_ENQUEUE_FAILED no short term lock possible
TR_ILL_KORRNUM Order does not correspond to K
TR_KEY_WITHOUT_HEADER E071K entry without E071 header entry
TR_LOCKMOD_FAILED TLOCK modification not possible
TR_LOCK_ENQUEUE_FAILED Error in competing TLOCK access
TR_MODIF_ONLY_IN_MODIF_ORDER Modifications only in correction requests
TR_NOT_OWNER Order has other owner
TR_NO_APPEND_OF_CORR_ENTRY unauthorized manual E071-Corr entries
TR_NO_APPEND_OF_C_MEMBER c-member not via append (but via sapsccs)
TR_NO_SHARED_REPAIRS no networking of repairs possible
TR_ORDER_NOT_EXIST Order does not exist
TR_ORDER_RELEASED Order already released
TR_ORDER_UPDATE_ERROR Error on saving order header E070
TR_REPAIR_ONLY_IN_REPAIR_ORDER Repairs only allowed in repair orders
TR_WRONG_ORDER_TYPE wrong order category
WRONG_CLIENT Editing in invalid client

not yet documented