Fonction SAP TR_APPEND_LOG - XPRAs: Append to Log File (During Upgrade)

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
ACCEPT_NOT_INIT SPROT_I-XFELD C 1 ' ' X *** Do not use ***
CLOSE_FILE SPROT_I-XFELD C 1 'X' X *** Do not use ***
CONDENSE SPROT_I-XFELD C 1 'X' X Lines are condensed
IV_SUPPRESS_STATISTICS SPROT_I-XFELD C 1 ' ' X End time stamp not output
MASTER_LANGU T100-SPRSL C 1 'E' X Alternative language
OPEN_FILE SPROT_I-XFELD C 1 'X' X *** Do not use ***

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
XMSG SPROT_U 227 Table with messages

Exception Description
FILE_NOT_FOUND Access to file not possible
WRONG_CALL Incorrect call

This function module is used for log output in XPRAs.
If the XPRA report is called with this function module during theupgrade, the function modules adds the messages it is passed with tableXMSG to a file.
If the XPRA report is called with transaction SE38, the function modulewrites the messages to memory. To display the messages from memory onthe screen, you are strongly advised to call the function moduleTR_FLUSH_LOG in the XPRA report after this function module is calledfor the last time. The function module TR_FLUSH_LOG reads the data frommemory and then displays it.
The parameters 'open_file' and 'close file' do not influence thetransaction SE38, or the upgrade.

The message table XMSG is unchanged by this function module. The usermay need to delete the contents before calling the module again.