Fonction SAP TRINT_FI_VERIFY_TR_FILES - Internal: Check Transport Files

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
IV_COFILES_DIR STPA-FILE C 255 X Directory of the cofiles (def=DIR_TRANS/cofiles)
IV_DATA_DIR STPA-FILE C 255 X Directory of the data files (def=DIR_TRANS/data)

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
EV_COFILES_DIR STPA-FILE C 255 Directory of the cofiles
EV_COFILES_SIZE F F 8 Total size of the cofiles (byte)
EV_DATA_DIR STPA-FILE C 255 Directory of the data files
EV_DATA_SIZE F F 8 Total size of the data files (byte)

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
TT_COFI EPSFILI 48 X Cofiles to be checked
TT_DAFI EPSFILI 48 X Data files to be checked

Exception Description
ERRORS_OCCURED Errors occurred when the files were checked
GET_DIR_NAMES_FAILED Name of the transport directory cannot be determined