Functionality With this function module you can create a transfer order for adelivery note. For more information, refer to the detaileddocumentation for the individual parameters. The parameters that arepassed on are first submitted to a plausibility check. Then thetransfer order is generated. Notes If the function module is called up several times in a program, aCOMMIT WORK should be placed between the calls and the blocks set upshould be removed. Further information For the most part, this function module behaves in the same way as thetransaction used to create a transfer order for a delivery note inbackground processing. If the detailed documentation for theindividual parameters is not sufficient, you can call up the F1documentation for the fields in this transaction. Description You use this parameter to define item specifications, so that thesystem does not create transfer orders for all open quantities of thedelivery with function module L_TO_CREATE_DN>. The system only creates transfer orders from this table for thespecifications in varying levels of detail. You can enter the following data for the item number:
- Quantity
- Batch
- Specifications for destination storage bin
- Specifications for source storage bin
Item specifications are not allowed for Handling Unit items when youcreate transfer orders for outbound deliveries. The system issues anerror message.Description I_TEILK controls the system reaction during stock removal. If theindicator is not set ' ' and the system does not find enough material,it terminates TO processing. If the indicator is set to 'X', a TO iscreated with a smaller quantity.