Fonction SAP /SPE/RET_FILL_IDOC_RETINS - Wrapper Function for Function Module idoc_output_spe_delvry

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
CONTROL_RECORD_IN EDIDC u 542 Control record (IDoc)
OBJECT NAST u 787 Message Status

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
CONTROL_RECORD_OUT EDIDC u 542 Control record (IDoc)
OBJECT_TYPE WFAS1-ASGTP C 10 Workflow: Object type of the link

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
INT_EDIDD EDIDD 1062 Data record (IDoc)

Exception Description

This function module is used to fetch and pass the delivery informationto the function module IDOC_OUTPUT_SPE_DELVRY. The deliveryinformation are populated into internal tables of types LIKP, LIPS,VBPA and VBADR.
This function module is assigned in the outbound process code createdfor sending the IDoc to the dealer EDI subsystem through outputdetermination. It fills the IDoc segments of IDoc type DELVRY05with the delivery information and invokes the function moduleIDOC_OUTPUT_SPE_DELVRY.