Fonction SAP /SPE/RET_CHANGE_DELIVERY - Checking the Delivery and Calling FM ws_delivery_update2

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
IT_C_VBELN RANGE_C10 23 Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field

Exception Description
NO_DATA_FOUND No relevant Deliveries found

This function module is used to perform certain checks to the specifieddelivery:

  • Goods movement status not started

  • Delivery confirmation indicator is set to B

  • Delivery type is returns delivery

  • The corresponding outgoing IDoc for returns instruction to the dealersubsystem has errors.
    This check is performed by invoking the function module/SPE/RET_CHECK_ERROR_IDOCS.
    If the checks are successful, the function module WS_DELIVERY_UPDATEis invoked that saves the delivery and sends the returns instructionto SAP ICH.
    This function module is invoked by another function moduleWS_DELIVERY_MONITOR.