Fonction SAP /SPE/MBEW_GEN_ARRAY_READ - Read Material Valuation Data

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
IT_MBEW_KEY /SPE/MBEW_KEYS_MATNR_EXT_TAB h 114 Key table for reading material valuation data

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
ET_MBEW_PLANT_EWM_DATA /SPE/MBEW_PLANT_EWM_TAB h 142 Material Valuation Data for EWM
ET_NO_MBEW_ENTRY_FOUND /SPE/MBEW_KEYS_MATNR_EXT_TAB h 114 Key table for reading material valuation data
ET_RETURN TT_BAPIRET2 h 548 Return Parameter

Exception Description
NO_AUTHORITY No authorization to display material master on client level

You use this remote-enabled function module to read material valuationdata from the SAP R/3 database table MBEW.
The function module prepares the entries from the importing tableIT_MBEW_KEY, depending on which fields are provided. It fillsthese entries into internal tables to read material valuation data fromthe database table MBEW.
The function module fills the optional exporting tableET_MBEW_PLANT_DATA with the data from the database table MBEW
and, if available, with the plant, long material number, andcurrency key of the company code.
The function module fills the optional exporting tableET_MBEW_PLANT_EWM_DATA for the Extended Warehouse Managementsystem with some fields from the database table MBEW and, ifavailable, with the plant, long material number, and currency key of thecompany code.
Optional: The exporting table ET_NO_MBEW_ENTRY_FOUND is filledwith the entries from the importing table IT_MBEW_KEY, for whichno entries exist in the database table MBEW.